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Mods. What's the benefits?

Hiya. I'm very much new to this. I have been vaping since January and hear an awful lot about mods.

I currently have a itaste vv/vw and a mini protank 2.

From my research I think a 14500 mod would be the most suitable as I have ridiculously tiny hands.

Apart from owning something shiny, what would be the benefits of me splashing the cash on one?

Thanks :)

they look the mutts nuts and they have no electrics to go wrong even when u pee on em Blackhack will attest to that
Hmmm not sure I'd want to pee on it but hmmm nights out and all that jazz. Having a little snoop for one on flea bay now.
Anyone heard of this one ( hopefully the link will work) The Perdita by Rainbow Heaven 14500 Stainless Steel Mechanical Mod
I've seen it and was tempted, not heard any reviews of it, but was put off by the button. It was similar in design to one that frustrates me that I've already got, so gave it a miss.

It might be worth a go though, the price isn't too high, and will let you dip your toe in...
Anyone heard of this one ( hopefully the link will work) The Perdita by Rainbow Heaven 14500 Stainless Steel Mechanical Mod

You talking about this mod? uploadfromtaptalk1395781180780.jpg
Hi Babycham, Greyhaze has the Perdita here http://greyhaze.co.uk/collections/ecig-mechanical-mods/products/sprite-1500-mechanical-mod and you can use your POTV discount for them - they'll fit a mini protank nicely as well as the Euphoria atomiser.

- Or you could try the Ba Gua from Vapegeek here http://www.vapegeek.co.uk/Bagua-mod-39.htm

Do consider trying building your own coils at some point, it seems like a faff at first, but it really is quite easy and very satisfying - and you'll generally get a better vape than the ready-made ones :)
If ur looking at 14500 jm mods have one for £30 + post at moment-for a genuine article that's a great deal

Sent from my HTC One S using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
I will say, the mini Nem is absolutely, the best 14500 I've found. It hasn't been copied yet, and I certainly wouldn't advise laying out a load of dosh on a mech until you're certain that they are for you.
But if you try one out , and mechs are the way you want to go, - the mini Nem would be my personal recommendation . I'm falling more in love with it every day
I will say, the mini Nem is absolutely, the best 14500 I've found. It hasn't been copied yet, and I certainly wouldn't advise laying out a load of dosh on a mech until you're certain that they are for you.
But if you try one out , and mechs are the way you want to go, - the mini Nem would be my personal recommendation . I'm falling more in love with it every day

I've been thinking about the mini Nem, I reckon I might treat myself for my birthday :D
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