I separated my posts as I didn't want to overload you with information
All depending on your budget for batteries and charger, also whether you want to head down the sub-ohm route eventually
I would recommend a good charger, like an Intellicharger i4, Efest LUC or Xtar
Battery chemistry and size - decide where you want to go in the future, save yourself possibly double buying
myepack has excellent prices for
batteries and chargers at the moment, even for sub-ohm batteries, a one stop shop
Most of my battery supplies are bought from a vendor called Torchy the battery boy, he has an
ebay shop and if you search the forum you can buy directly from him for a discount
I do not sub-ohm, tried it and not for me, but I use a lot of 14500 mechanicals which can't and mostly I vape around the 1.4 ohm mark