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Mom and Pop's - Tobacco Flavour Concentrates!

So far I've rattled through a couple of tanks each of RY4v2 - Gorgeous, but just the wrong side of all day vape for me personally. RY4v1, Delicious, more deeper flavour compared to v2, and just the right side of all day vape. Then Haze... OMG That's one lush juice! Easily an all dayer. I've yet to try Praze. I'll order the other ones mentioned a post or two ago and also try them, but so far I'm blown away by the quality and flavour. All mixed at 20%, which I believe to be the recommended strength.
Tobacco Haze is my current favourite concentrate and not always in stock but order on the way now via the Marketplace at last

Is this the one you were vaping at Bolton in the MVP?? That was good :)
Tami's apparently working on a new Tobacco Juice - working title "Deja Vu" - that is meant to be more analogue-esque - looing forward to trying it ;)

Oh just noticed a 'Dragon and TNT Tobacco - Coming Soon' on M+P's site now too :D
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Haze to me has a twang to it.
Much prefer M&P Tobacco Praze
I also find these tobaccos can only be vaped at a lower wattage...go to high and the flavour gets weird!!
My tastebuds may be shot tho! lol

ZT we will have to have a vape meet in Nottingham!
Have a sneaky feeling that Mom prefers lower power - as she's never really tried other juice it might explain thy post deejay ;)

Will pass on thy commemts and see what she says :D
vaginia fire cured has a slight lemon taste to me/tobacco haze has a woody taste/tobacco praze has a lemon+woody taste in my opinion but all do taste lovely..
There are so many great tobacco flavours in this range. 10-Forty is a fantastic Anise/tobacco vape and my favourate is American Blend Menthol. Lets hope M&P keep them coming!
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