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Most Consistent Tank

I won't mention I'm quite enjoying the THC Elite then :S
You're not the only one enjoying it mate, either I've not found the right build/wick combination yet or it's just simply not for me. I might not be enjoying it but that doesn't mean I'm not glad that someone else is. :)
Certainly one I'd like try too @MTLMike. I've heard so many good things about it there's definitely a market for a re-release.

I'm still looking for my perfect RTA but I love my Nevermore. I've been saving recently and I'm thinking of going on a bit of an RTA buying spree, but goodness knows where I'll start...

A preference for 24's and top-fill doesn't help. I'll probably just settle for 22's and end up in the Neeko club, although the Pioneer and bishop keep pulling at my heart strings despite neither fitting the criteria.

The Umbrella Echo has to be the best looking around right now but it's so damn pricey I don't think I could ever justify it.
Certainly one I'd like try too @MTLMike. I've heard so many good things about it there's definitely a market for a re-release.

I'm still looking for my perfect RTA but I love my Nevermore. I've been saving recently and I'm thinking of going on a bit of an RTA buying spree, but goodness knows where I'll start...

A preference for 24's and top-fill doesn't help. I'll probably just settle for 22's and end up in the Neeko club, although the Pioneer and bishop keep pulling at my heart strings despite neither fitting the criteria.

The Umbrella Echo has to be the best looking around right now but it's so damn pricey I don't think I could ever justify it.
I wouldn't say I've found my perfect RTA yet either, the non-changeable silicone top fill on the True isn't what I would have chosen, if those ports get damaged somehow, you are kinda screwed and they have a tendency to collect dust and dirt.

I've avoided the Pioneer because I've seen a lot of people struggling with the wicking and that just puts me off immediately.

24mm and Top Fill huh? You tried the Berserker V2 yet? That Umbrella Echo is lovely looking but a bit pricey for a tank that's manufactured in China and mostly plastic.
Guess what @MTLMike ... fuckn hated the Pioneer, lasted two days and traded it on, lifes too short for that faff, got totally sick of the drip tip behaving like a drinking straw with liquid.
Funny thread, couldn't pick out a consistent tank but I can definitely say what was bollox for me anyways :D
Guess what @MTLMike ... fuckn hated the Pioneer, lasted two days and traded it on, lifes too short for that faff, got totally sick of the drip tip behaving like a drinking straw with liquid.
Hmm I'd probably love it then ;) But that just puts off even more, if people who have been at this longer than me or seem better at it are struggling, makes me feel like I've got no f***ing chance :18:
Did you ever get a chance to try the Artemis?
Nah, never picked one up mate. I think because the deck was so similar to the Hastur Mini (not including the airflow adjustment underneath the coil) and I struggled with the Mini, I talked myself out of it. Plus I really feel they overcomplicated the airflow pin system with that part that's reverse threaded.
Best flavour of all the Cthulhu tanks I've tried, you just need to suss the undercoil pin you like and then lock the sucker down using the @Simon G crank-it fix.
The True tank is probably the most consistent tank I’ve owned, but recently got the Neeko and it’s fast becoming a firm favourite. It hasn’t let me down so far, but time will tell!
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