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Best I've tried was the Hadaly rda, but coil placement is key
I quite like the hadaly but can’t get anywhere. Nice small Rda.
Everything I like seems to be discontinued or mainly out of stock.
Decent rda’s seem to be hard to find.
I won’t buy from china for various reasons.
Just noticed the P.I.L badge. Not listed to them since the 80’s. Nice.
Zou will go on and on and on..... but here's evidence, which of course he will ignore or maybe not:)

that’s no evidence. then you go on to say the best rda you’ve ever tried is one with holes in the side. i think ye’ve been smoking cardigan shavings again :)
FeV BF1 was my all time winner.
by inner chamber i just meant the side bits of the base. where the top
bit pushes on.

but, why do you think people loves devices like the FeV? cause it’s just got a wee hole in the side and is no too complicated, obviously. a wee hole that the air blows through. that’s all you need. away and get yerself sorted oot :)
You're meeting yourself coming backwards....the pins are angled downwards to point more directly at the bottom of the coil, mimicking a bottom airhole type effect.

that’s no how it works. a wee vortex forms itself in there. what’s actually happening in there is anybody’s guess, unless you are a scientist. but experience tells me a wee hole in the side is worth two in the bottom :)
Zou will go on and on and on..... but here's evidence, which of course he will ignore or maybe not:)

RDA Caps

Last but not least we have to consider how the caps of an RDA are made.
A cap with a lot of angles will make the vapor bounce inside the atomizer jarring the flavor and exalting sour taste, excellent for the fruity ones.
Rounded cap instead will make the flavor bouquet flat giving at the different taste tone the same level; usually, those types of caps are the best for tasting new liquids and vaping tobacco.
The caps that are in the middle will exalt the sweet tastes, being perfect for dessert liquids.

Seems like a legit article........ I hate caps with angles that make the flavour jarring and sour. 😂

what a load of bollocks.
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