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Smart mode isn't smart.

The manufacturer has a list of their own coils, with power levels that the coil can cope with taking into account construction and wicking ability (this is usually printed on the coil too). They put these figures in a chart and load that in the mod. Then, the mod compares the resistance it sees when a tank is fitted against that chart and gives you the preset.

There's no assessment, thinking or ai at play, it's a simple lookup.

The instant you stray from the manufacturer's own coils, that chart is pretty much meaningless. It doesn't know what tank or coil you've put on.

Most stock coils have a wattage range printed on them - but nobody looks at an rpm coil to determine what wattage to run their twin aliens at...

It also has absolutely nothing to do with what the batteries are capable of.

In fact, if it's the twin 18650 version then smart (or any other) mode doesn't even know what cells you install so there's literally no way at all for it to limit with any intelligence.

Inbuilt battery mods aren't smart either btw, there'll just be a voltage output limit that's hard wired and invisible.

If you think what the manufacturer assumes (that a table is smarter than you are) then by all means stick with smart mode ;)
Is this a smart post?
I mean the poor guy is new here.
Will what you have said to him make sense?
Will what you have said to him help in any way?
And wtf has a table got to do with things?

You're a clever guy pdg but your posts often come accross as if "better suited to the lounge" is probably the most polite way I can think of putting it!
Is this a smart post?
I mean the poor guy is new here.
Will what you have said to him make sense?
Will what you have said to him help in any way?
And wtf has a table got to do with things?
You're a clever guy pdg but your posts often come accross as if better suited to the lounge is probably the most polite way I can think of putting it!

Fine, I'll not bother in future.
Don't feel bad about buying the Ares and being left disappointed. I was given the first Ares, was shit and gave it away. This steaming pile appeared on the scene to much fanfare and despite my better judgement I got carried along by the hype and bought one. Turned out as poor as the first one for me.

It might take a wee bit to discover what works for you but as someone told me once, the fun is finding out what you like and going from there.
Fine, I'll not bother in future.
You don't need to spit your dummy out.
The other day I found your posts to read like you were out to either argue everything everyone said is wrong.
I feel you seem to find fault with everything and express it in your posts.
Maybe you don't realise but that's how it seems.[/QUOTE]
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