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My Mix Journey is not as good as I expected.

I think most people are disappointed with their initial mixing experiments (or maybe it's just me and I'm projecting!)

When I first started I had shitloads of ideas that I thought would be awesome, and they were.... pretty vile. But because I wasn't familiar with the various flavour profiles of the individual concentrates that I used, it was hard to know why there were so bad. Individual flavours often didn't have the flavours that I thought they did / should have. Custards in particular can be very hit and miss IME.

So I would recommend trying a single flavour first, and adding other flavours to it one at a time. For that reason it can be helpful to make lots of small batches (of say 5ml) rather than one big motherlode of 100ml or whatever.

One thing that I found useful when mixing flavours was to use and RDA, because it's easy to rewick an RDA to get a fresh flavour, compared to setting up a proper tank. . Then I'd either:
  • Pop on some unflavoured base liquid and try dropping different flavours onto that to test them out. Or
  • Mix up a base flavour and then drop tiny amounts of compliemntary flavours onto that to see how well they go together.
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