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My reply from m.ps on the ban of e-cigs


Nov 4, 2012
Please note that I also respond on behalf of Malcolm Harbour MEP and Anthea
McIntyre MEP as I take responsibility for all constituency enquiries from
your area.

Based on your correspondence I have made further enquiries and I have
received the following information on this issue:

I can confirm that there are no plans to directly ban e cigarettes at an EU
level. Instead e cigarettes, which are above the threshold of 2mg of
nicotine, are going to be re-classified as cessation medical products rather
than tobacco products and therefore they will be covered by Medical Device
legislation which is also under consideration by the EU institutions rather
than being encompassed with the revision of the Tobacco Products Directive
that you referenced.

It should be clear that although this reclassification will not ban
e-cigarettes. It will necessitate a prolonged period of research, and
require many more complex certification standards to be reached in order
allow sales in a number of outlets . Furthermore, since they will be viewed
as medical products it is likely that they will not be as widely available
in everyday retail stores and instead they will probably have restrictions
to which points of sale they can appear.

Thank you again for your email.

Yours faithfully

Philip Bradbourn OBE MEP
cock ends they are going to destroy this invention beyond all repute.

Makes me sick!
I got something very similar...

Dear Mr Jones,

Many thanks for getting in touch with me on this issue.

Firstly, the Commission does not propose to ban electronic cigarettes under
the new Directive. Instead, it proposes an extension of the product scope of
the Directive to Nicotine Containing Products (e.g. electronic cigarettes).
E-cigarettes below a certain nicotine threshold would be freely allowed on
the market, but must feature health warnings. E-cigarettes above this
threshold are only allowed if authorised within two years after entry into
force of the new directive as medicinal products (like nicotine replacement
therapies, e.g. nicotine patches, which you can buy in pharmacies).


With all that said as the Commission proposal to extend the product scope of
the Directive to Nicotine Containing Products (eg electronic cigarettes) is
recent, I am waiting to receive further expert advice on the matter before
deciding on how to vote on this matter.
I will of course update on this issue as and when it is needed.


Jill Evans MEP
I dont want ecigs to be classed as a medicinal product. Tobacco cigarettes are not medicinal. I only want to quit inhaling 4000+ toxins and other shit but I dont want to quit nicotine. The sooner these clowns realise that vaping is an alternative way to get nicotine rather than having to extract it from a burning cigarette the better! :eek:
If only these bulbs would do some proper research and understand how much e-cigs have helped us ex analogue smokers come off them.. They also pose less of a fire risk (the majority of house fires are caused by analogues).
I'm far from anti analogue i have now been tobacco free for nearly 3 weeks from 20 a day after a night out with a friend who introduced me to his ego.. the next day i bought a starter kit (im lucky enough to have a retailer near home) had my last tobacco cig by tea time and havent looked back since.

I have smoked for 25 years and these have been the only things that have got me off tobacco.

How can these EU tossers think that can be a bad thing! They complain smokers are a drain on the NHS, but make 9m in tax..

If only they actually did care about peoples health and not just lining their own fat stinky pockets!!

Rant over!
surely you cant go classifying things for recreational use as medicines can you? wouldnt that essentially put those of us who do it for the enjoyment (ie most of us here) in the same league as people who drink bottles of cough medicine to get high? if im not trying to quit and just enjoy my vape am i to be considered just someone addicted to over the counter medication?

f-ing madness
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