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new VAT rules for imports from 1st jan 2021

That's not a rant mate, That's a bloke being honest. I have lived similar for 30 years. I found as a youth that following brand names was why so many where moaning they where bored, the reason why, because they spent all their money on clothes and then had no money to go for a night out. Me n mates in army surplus stuff, old jeans, etc where always flush on a weekend and thus had money for whole weekenders.
Today not only do we have brand names but phrases made up to disguise the truth like "high End" it just means very expensive or overpriced but some folks want it to impress their peers. I feel the same with some vape gear, yes i will spend on a regulated Mod, but £200 for a mech or £120 for a tank, i might not even like is never happening. Always try a clone before i buy an authentic if possible. But some stuff is silly money and out of my comfort zone. Out of interest how much money did you spend on Smoking a week?.

I was never that kind of youth, I would rather get my clothes from the likes of primark or wherever and have money to go to gigs or meet up with mates at the pub then walk around in Levi Jeans and what not but being skint when things I wanted to do came up. See it varied for me, on a good week where I was busy and wasn't chain smoking, probably about £10-15 but on a bad week probably double that. I would sometimes treat myself to a pack of straights on a weekend or the occasional tin of cigarillos or pouch of pipe tobacco but rollies were my everyday thing. Back then though I was constantly employed and always happy to cover shifts or take on extra hours, now i'm a full time carer for my Mrs and have a kid so I have to be a lot stricter with my finances.
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I think its possibly aimed more at business importing stuff. because they imp
I've was never that kind of youth, I would rather get my clothes from the likes of primark or wherever and have money to go to gigs or meet up with mates at the pub then walk around in Levi Jeans and what not but being skint when things I wanted to do came up. See it varied for, a good week where I was busy and wasn't chain smoking, probably about £10-15 but a on a bad week probably double that. I would sometimes treat myself to a pack of straights on a weekend or the occasional tin of cigarillos or pouch of pipe tobacco but rollies were my everyday thing. Back then though I was constantly employed and always happy to cover shifts or take on extra hours, now i'm a full time carer for my Mrs and have a kid so I have to be a lot stricter with my finances.

You sound like me to be fair, and whether a worker, a carer, unemployed or another, you still only have what's coming in so it's a case of budgeting. I feel for you and yours, The gov changed rules due to Universal credit and your payment as a carer counts as an income and affects other benefits i think. I am now on whats known as Legacy benefits after my Marriage broke down, If i where to cohabit i would lose a lot of money as i would be made to claim Universal credit. It's a kick in the teeth for some, it's like they are saying if you fall in love we won't try and help you we will make life harder by paying you less and making you keep a partner on less money than when you lived alone.
Not sure if this is all supposed to happen the other way around too, but I had a package delivered from Ecigone today. No special labelling (just the standard big RM sticker), no extra charges to pay, didn't even have to sign for it as the postie left it inside my porch while I was out at the shops.

Would you expect extra charges? They're in Chesterfield aren't they?
If it’s any consolation I had a package of CDs delivered today from a distributor in Russia. Well north of the £139 and labelled as such, (in Russian rubles). Delivered by DHL the whole journey and yanno how much of a charge I had to pay?


It ain’t an exact science.
I think its possibly aimed more at business importing stuff. because they imp

You sound like me to be fair, and whether a worker, a carer, unemployed or another, you still only have what's coming in so it's a case of budgeting. I feel for you and yours, The gov changed rules due to Universal credit and your payment as a carer counts as an income and affects other benefits i think. I am now on whats known as Legacy benefits after my Marriage broke down, If i where to cohabit i would lose a lot of money as i would be made to claim Universal credit. It's a kick in the teeth for some, it's like they are saying if you fall in love we won't try and help you we will make life harder by paying you less and making you keep a partner on less money than when you lived alone.
Yeah something like that, that and they are trying to cut everyone's weekly amount down again. Would love to see them live off of what we get and then have the audacity to say they don't get paid enough. Johnson apparently made his £150,000 a year salary out not to be enough while he also gets to claim all sorts of expenses back and get all sort of things subsidised. I'd take a third of that if I could get away at being so abysmal at my job...jesus.
I know this thread is a couple of months old but I wanted to post something positive about the new VAT rules.
I bought a Shenray gt4 on Aliexpress and got charged 20% vat, the thing is so cheap to start with it's still a brilliant deal and I dont have to worry about it being intercepted by Uk customs and excise and the handling fees that may be charged.
All in all I don't really mind paying vat as the price of things from China are so cheap to start with.
i just came across this. so any overseas vendor selling items to people in the uk will need to register with hmrc. are people aware of this?


“For imports of goods from outside the UK in consignments not exceeding £135 in value (which aligns with the threshold for customs duty liability), we will be moving the point at which VAT is collected from the point of importation to the point of sale. This will mean that UK supply VAT, rather than import VAT, will be due on these consignments.

The new arrangements will also involve the abolition of Low Value Consignment Relief, which relieves import VAT on consignments of goods valued at £15 or less.

Online marketplaces (OMPs), where they are involved in facilitating the sale, will be responsible for collecting and accounting for the VAT.

For goods sent from overseas and sold directly to UK consumers without OMP involvement, the overseas seller will be required to register and account for the VAT to HMRC.”
Will China care?
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