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new VAT rules for imports from 1st jan 2021

I was just trying to order from lepetitvapoteur and there is no longer a "UK" option when you select the country for delivery - can anyone else confirm that its not just browser issues?
Cillisimo the shipping company are no longer shipping to uk. I had a message today from LPV so it looks like they are a no go for now! Don't know about other overseas company's (China) can anyone else say if we can still order from them.
I wait with baited breath too see what happens when the latest batch of review items starts getting sent out! It’s already frustrating when you get stung with import duties, particularly from the muppets at UPS who from my experience are awful to deal with, had one item recently that I might as well have bought at retail price :P I suspect that people are quickly going to get fed up of reviewing lower value items in particular.
I wait with baited breath too see what happens when the latest batch of review items starts getting sent out! It’s already frustrating when you get stung with import duties, particularly from the muppets at UPS who from my experience are awful to deal with, had one item recently that I might as well have bought at retail price :P

i’m not sure how that will work. i get the customs charge, but surely they can’t expect you to pay vat unless you actually purchased it?
It was more frustrating because out of the roughly £17 I had to pay about £10 of that was UPS’s “administration fees”!
i’m not sure how that will work. i get the customs charge, but surely they can’t expect you to pay vat unless you actually purchased it?
I had to pay twenty something quid for a massive box from Feelm. Courier company wouldn’t tell me who it was from or let me have it without payment. Didn’t know if it was for one of the kids so I stumped up. Inside was a tea cup.
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