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Newbie builder


Feb 3, 2016
Hi everyone, I've been sub oh vaping for a while and want to enter the world of rda ect. I don't understand anything in regards to which wire I should use how I wrap it, amount or wraps and spacing and so on? I've got a rebuildable deck from the smok tfv4 if that would be a good place to start? Thanks in advanced.
Material wise you're prob going to need some 26g kanthal and some cotton. Have a look at somewhere like stealthvape.co.uk for that stuff. Then tool wise you will need a coil jig for wrapping your wire around, some tweezers (ceramic preferably) for adjusting your coils, a small pair of sharp scissors, and something to read your coil resistance. I think that's everything. You will prob be able to get all of the above from stealthvape to be fair.
If I've missed anything out then I'm sure someone else will add extra info
It depends what you want, do you still want to use a tank or do you want to move into RDA/dripper territory?

If you want a decent dripper the above will be really good to start with. The post design is fantastic and really easy to caper on.
The beloved and delicious @stealthvape is your one stop shop for wire and wick - a wee stash of 0.4 and 0.5mm Kanthal will do to start and a few Muji cotton pads.
A coil winder is recommended, a pair of tweezers for pinching is advised and a separate ohm reader is an absolute must - if anything is wrong with the build better to find out on that rather than your mod.
I take it you have a decent mod to let rip with?

Oh, oh: the charming @cloudcuckoo on here makes premade coils that'll be just peachy to play with if you'd prefer to get cracking.
Ive just moved onto a RDA/Drip ...... sweet lordy what a difference. Big shout out to the (more than patient) dude at Vapourized, Carlton Street, Castleford. Spent time giving me a quick demo on building. First time Ive ever done one. And it vapes like a dream. Got it on a RX200 so luckily wont blow my hand off.

Anyone got any cheeky tips for newbies on making coils?
Begin simple, buy yourself some 26ga Ka1 kanthal. Start mastering build simple coils, duals, singles, parallels, twisted (sky's the limit). Once you're comfortable, try buying some 32 and practising with Claptons. Once you've mastered Claptons, move to fused Claptons, then try alien Claptons and check YouTube for tutorials.

For advanced builds, prep work is everything, especially if you begin to build staple coils, framed staples, aliens etc. It may take an extra 10 minutes to wrap your core wires with masking tape or getting it positioned properly in the drill, but it's worth it!
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