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Newbie coil help

with 28 id be tempted to stick to higher ohms fella,1mm coils are tiny tiny.

is there a reason you want to build low ohm coils?
with 28 id be tempted to stick to higher ohms fella,1mm coils are tiny tiny.

is there a reason you want to build low ohm coils?

I was looking for 0.5 ish, reason being it is what came with my mod and i was enjoying things with that, what would you recommend
yeah i totally get that but the wire you have got is a bit thin for .5 so id say aim for around an ohm, this will help you practice your wrapping and wicking whilst you wait for the thicker wire. thats just what i would do though mate,its your vape so at the end of the day its up to you :thumbup:

most of my coils are around 1-1.2 ohms wrapped on a 2mm screwdriver or a 2mm coilmaster.
yeah i totally get that but the wire you have got is a bit thin for .5 so id say aim for around an ohm, this will help you practice your wrapping and wicking whilst you wait for the thicker wire. thats just what i would do though mate,its your vape so at the end of the day its up to you :thumbup:

most of my coils are around 1-1.2 ohms wrapped on a 2mm screwdriver or a 2mm coilmaster.

Thanks again, so you guys think the issue is with the cotton rather than the coil?
probably a bit of both seeing as its your first ever build mate. as with most things in vaping its all about trying different things until you hit on what works best for you personally. just look at how many veriables there are in coil building alone.

what gauge wire you use,how big the diameter of the coil is,how many wraps you use,the spacing of the wraps,vertical or horizontal coil,what wicking material you use all those will effect the vape in their own way be it a small or large effect. and thats without even going into twisted,claptons and all the other fancy stuff along those lines.
probably a bit of both seeing as its your first ever build mate. as with most things in vaping its all about trying different things until you hit on what works best for you personally. just look at how many veriables there are in coil building alone.

what gauge wire you use,how big the diameter of the coil is,how many wraps you use,the spacing of the wraps,vertical or horizontal coil,what wicking material you use all those will effect the vape in their own way be it a small or large effect. and thats without even going into twisted,claptons and all the other fancy stuff along those lines.

I just done my second with more success, I done a parallel coil 5 wraps, it is coming in at .8 and is nice at 20w nice flavour this time.
I just done my second with more success, I done a parallel coil 5 wraps, it is coming in at .8 and is nice at 20w nice flavour this time.

nice one mate. never actually looked at what a parallel coil is as im happy with my boring 1 -1.2 ohm singles lol. im guessing its two bits of wire wraped whilst next to each other?
Hi guys, firstly thanks for all your help and advice. I bought some 24g wire from stealthvape, this turned up today I spoke to Rob from sv on the phone yesterday regarding cooling ect, he advised me for a .5 coil with 24g I should do 5 wraps at 3mm.

So off I went and started to build my first coil with the new wire, with intrepidaiton I put the new coil on and bingo .4 at my first attempt.

I then used cotton for wick, primmed it with some juice filled my tank and let it sit for a while. I went back and checked the ohms again and it was still set at .4.

The juice I had used was spacejam eclipse 50/50, I set my mod to 16w to test it and it was really nice, no spitting, great taste nice cloud, so I thought I would up the watts, 20w still nice great flavour bigger clouds, 25w just as good bigger clouds, 30w perfect.

I then started getting brave and pushed it to 35w but it just got better, hmm how far could I push it I thought, so 40w, again nice taste no dry hits huge clouds.

F*** it I thought 50w boom no burnt taste nice draw and massive clouds. Vape heaven.

My question is am I pushing things to far?
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