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Newbie here hello people


Feb 28, 2014
Hi there guys and gals
Newbie here, have spent about the last 6 months trying to quit using the ciggi look a likes from tesco cant event rememebr their name as i chucked it away last week. I have just ordered 2 EGO batteries with Charger and 3 Kangar Tech TS3's firstly any good bad comments aboiut this set up?
also is it worth trying tobacco viginia liquids as am a current roll up smoker (about 6-15 a day, depending on the type of day at work!)
any other advice greatly appreciated

Hi and :welcome2: to POTV!

I don't know enough yet to comment on the setup, but I can say that everyone's tastes are different and if you're looking for a similar taste, then go for tobacco flavoured juices but you may find you don't like them or prefer a different taste all together...Good luck!
Welcome to the planet. I started with them tesco cigalikes and soon moved on to egos. They're so much better. Being an ex roll up smoker myself, I've always been trying to find the perfect tobacco liquid but it's just not there in my opinion. The best I've found up to now is RYven4 from steamgunk. Its not like a roll up but its good.
cant believe how dire those cigalikes are! looking forward to a proper vape. And my boss is cool with it at work cos i didnt leave my desk as much so only good things can come out of this!
:welcome2:TS3's are ok with an ego battery as long as the ohms on the coil aren't to high. 1.5 or 1.8 should be ok.
I started on cigalikes too and quickly moved upto ego's and after two days the baccy was binned and havent touched it since - best baccy liquids i've found are bestcigliquid about as close as you get but by no means should you limit yourself to one flavour enjoy yourself try a few different liquids.

Also if I may I don't know if you've heard about the TPD and article 18 which is effectively looking to bring about a ban on theproducts we use I would implore you to go over and have a read of the EFVI and sign the directive there.
you not got me frantically checking what ohms rating i got. ami right in saying the lowered the better? and does anybody know the lowest ohms possible on the ts3's?
I got myself Hangsen Golden Tree when I started as this was supposed to be like Amber Leaf. It was nothing like my old tobacco but it was delicious. I currently have 100ml of it in a 50/50. I got it in separate 100vg and 100pg from www.thebestecigarette.co.uk and now mix it to what ever ratio I choose.
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