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Nike (inawera bayca range)


Staff member
Jul 11, 2012
I received this sample free of charge from #4drops uk and all views are my own personal opinions and are not the opinions of planet of the vapes :)
pie got this sample in with my box of delights ordered in the 4drops happy hour. I don't usually vape tobacco flavours as I've only tried one before and it was vile! But as it was free I figured I'd give it a go, not expecting much. The sample is 12mg strength, and I'm not sure about the pg/vg amounts. When I snipped off the end it smells almost chocolate and sweet and not at all like an ashtray :) I dripped some into my era, took a pull and was very pleasantly surprised. It is described as "mastery of pipe tobacco". Now I've never smoked a pipe, but when I was young one of my friends dads was a pipe smoker and I used to love the rich, fragrant smell and this really does remind me of going round his house. There is a chocolate note and a rich sweetness followed up by a smooth tobacco flavour with a lovely smokie throat hit. There is a raspyness that is very close to that of a real smoke. It is really good and I'm wondering now if I've been missing out on tobacco flavours. Nothing is overpowering, and it could easily become an all dayer. Vapour production is very good too. I can't put it down! I just wish they did a flavour concentrate of it. Many thanks to 4drops for their great service too :)
We'll have you Vaping tobacco flavours yet PF! Nice review. Got a few samples coming myself though I can't recall which ones.
I can't believe how nice this is! I really must check out some more tobaccos, I think I've really judged them all by one horrible mix :)
Looking forward to trying this one later. I haven't really found a tobacco that I like yet. The burley is pretty good though. At the moment it is my daily.

Thanks for the review. :)
On the strength of the review I thought I would order a Nike , then I saw the new range of 9 liquids I couldn't decide so ordered the lot, I have gone back from fruit mixes back to the tobacco style flavours.
You ordered the lot? True dedication :)

Why not do a review of each one?
You ordered the lot? True dedication :)

Why not do a review of each one?

Will give it a go but I'm sure most of the people who do reviews on here used to be professional wine testers, describing underlying tones, hints of and cascades of flavour, where I am a bit more pragmatic as in it tastes crap or it tastes good!!
I got the tiny 3ml samples with my last order and ordered Orpheus (a good Turkish) Hypnos (so close to Golden Virginia it is amazing - got some for me and Boy 2) and Helios (supposed according to some to be like 555 but I found it a mild not overly sweet cigarish vape). I didn't get the Eros, but ordered some blind on the quality of the samples of other vapes I received.
Will give it a go but I'm sure most of the people who do reviews on here used to be professional wine testers, describing underlying tones, hints of and cascades of flavour, where I am a bit more pragmatic as in it tastes crap or it tastes good!!

Wine tasters? No most of us just mis-read Jilly Goolden's 'Vagina Monologue' as 'Virginia Monologue' and went on from there.
I have just tried the Nike and tbh I didn't rate it at all. To me it was more like vaping cardboard. However I love the fact that taste is subjective it makes the whole hobby interesting. I am not knocking Nike at all, I'm sure others will love it, just not for me. I have only tried half a dozen tobaccos and this one is near the bottom of the list.
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