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Nike (inawera bayca range)

I have just tried the Nike and tbh I didn't rate it at all. To me it was more like vaping cardboard. However I love the fact that taste is subjective it makes the whole hobby interesting. I am not knocking Nike at all, I'm sure others will love it, just not for me. I have only tried half a dozen tobaccos and this one is near the bottom of the list.

Tastes like cardboard, didn't like it....now this is a proper review and one I can understand, although a bit late as just ordered the Nike!! But as Robzki's says taste is subjective and this my be my favourite ever cardboard liquid
Tastes like cardboard, didn't like it....now this is a proper review and one I can understand, although a bit late as just ordered the Nike!! But as Robzki's says taste is subjective and this my be my favourite ever cardboard liquid

I didn't have time to read the vagina bolocklogs as Bryan suggested, I did however read one of your previous posts on the subject and thought we could start a new trend in straight to the point reviews.
I would like to add that I didn't wholly dislike it, there was no bad taste or poorly put together flavour it just wasn't for me. I'm looking forward to other reviews as it helps me to know what others like so I can buy on recommendations from people with similar tastes. :)
Lol. A sig was required whilst she was at work so we are guessing that was it. She will collect in the week. She's quite excited. Thanks from us both.
I didn't have time to read the vagina bolocklogs as Bryan suggested, I did however read one of your previous posts on the subject and thought we could start a new trend in straight to the point reviews.

I agree straight to the point reviews is the way
That's why it's good to get as many reviews as possible cos you'll rarely get 2 the same. Mind you if this is that low down in the rankings robski, I really have been missing out by sticking to fruit/sweet. When I've got some more pennies ill have to explore more :D it's like the Alice in vape lands "white rabbit"-everyone raves about it, I thought it was ok and then vaped some more and decided it was vile! It's all part of the fun :D
Tastes like cardboard, didn't like it....now this is a proper review and one I can understand, although a bit late as just ordered the Nike!! But as Robzki's says taste is subjective and this my be my favourite ever cardboard liquid

I didn't have time to read the vagina bolocklogs as Bryan suggested, I did however read one of your previous posts on the subject and thought we could start a new trend in straight to the point reviews.


I am going to be doing a review on a load of vanilla flavours soon and was wondering how to grade them. Some are good to go vapes - enhanced, sweetened and with a quality vanilla base. Others are strong concentrates, flat, simple, but much better for mixing with. And of course the base vanillas vary too - Madagaskar, Tahity etc.

Thanks guys - you've made it simple; I'll just review them as 'Good' or 'Shite' :)
Maybe you should just give them a number on a sliding scale-who needs words :D don't you dare stop doing what you're doing, I for one adore your ever more evocative reviews :)
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