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Not really getting on with the vaping

I got mine from http://myepack.co.uk/catalogsearch/result/?q=vamo+v5 in stainless steel. The gunmetal fades. Also get some 18350 batteries and a decent charger with a uk plug. They tend to come with EU plugs. I got a trustfire one from ebay for a tenner. Also check out the 5ml hypertank from vapeescape. Its epic for the price and looks amazing on the vamo
Also check out jwraps for vamo covers. I personally like the stainless and chrome combo. Shiney shiney
I bought some skycigs about 4 months ago after the price of my normal fags hit £7, i tried them for 1 day, they were the menthol flavour i didnt get on with them so i kept on smoking then a month or so later the mrs asked what was in the (spare) drawer and pulled out the packet of skycigs so i told her the story (my mrs smokes 40 a day). she tried them and said they were great ... i nearly fell over with astonishment so i tried them again and never smoked a fag since.I vaped the rest of the skycigs then went out and bought an evod both me and the wife have been on them for a few months now and i love them. I have put a bit beef on but i do feel better for not smoking anymore.
Good for you geordie. I was on e-lites for a year and spent a fortune on em then went onto ego's then things escalated quickly into a vape obsession lol
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