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Nurses to get a pay rise of 1%

i think it would be a mistake to think this 1% is because of necessity, and not a choice they are making.
Happy to be corrected but my understanding is that this was all set in place pre-coronavirus? So, the question then becomes - should pre-existing arrangements and agreements be changed in response to the pandemic?

IMHO, fuck yeah!

1% is pathetic. I think I'd rather get no pay rise and be told my wage is being frozen because - insert excuse here - and will instead increase at a worthwhile rate at a later date. If you're going to give a pay raise then make it count ffs!

Yes, there are many people who have worked through the pandemic and put themselves at risk for the greater good and there are many people outside of healthcare who deserve a pay rise but the NHS is the backbone of this country and the people who put themselves and their families at risk so they can serve the greater good and look after the health and wellbeing of the general public deserve to be compensated fairly. They always have but even more so after dealing with the covid shit storm for a year and counting. And if we want people to want to work in the NHS then it has to be an attractive job prospect.

The idea that we can't afford it is horse shit. Add a fucking penny to stamps or council tax or something. I think very few tax payers will complain about paying a little more tax when the money generated is spent on good things. What people gripe about, IMHO, is their tax money being squandered.

Just my 2c. YMMV.
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there is another area a darker one that I'm going to touch on but it starts with a story

a long time ago I spoke to what was left of my extended family I was young in my 20s I spoke to some uncles both were in the military most of my family were or are, anyway the uncles were either flying into Germany or more likely as one said the gliders didn't fly in they kinda crashed or were on the beaches in ww2 they explained and told stories to me of the service but it got late and there were me and one old boy left he quietened down and said

"It is good to talk and one day I expect movies will be made but even then I can't tell you because you won't understand I see your young face and those young eyes but I would never wish you to see what I did at your age I remember every face I see them every night"

his story is similar but not as bad as what lots of people have been through and that's the connection I know the people I work with I can trust them because the staff team has become very close I expect lots of people have been through the same but there is a growing distance between us and the people who have been off due to shielding when those members come back there is resentment, Im writing this down wrong and I hope it doesn't come across bad but do you know what I mean.

I could never really grasp that connection to others that my uncle spoke about....but I can now to some extent.
@cptfrederickson has got this right.
It's not a pay rise at all it's just a token gesture to make things a little less expensive than would be otherwise.

If your salary doesn't rise at the same rate as inflation you're salary is essentially being devalued every time.
If inflation is set at 2% then everything is 2% more expensive.
If you see a 1% rise then everything is still 1% more expensive than it was the previous year meaning your salary is worth 1% less than it was last year.

I'm not sure what the overall inflation rise has been in the last 12 months as they put different amounts on different things but if its higher than 1% overall then its not a pay rise at all just an inflation adjustment.
Welcome to Austerity #2, where the poorest in the land keep the richest in caviar and champagne. Eat cake, people. Live on cake. Well, until you wake up and stop voting for these liars and frauds.

“Oh Dave, but he is funny though, I would love to share a pint with him, and the alternative could have been so much wors...:

Fuck off.

You won’t be able to afford a fucking pint. While you make do with smelling the scent of a fucking hop field, Johnson will be filling his offshore bank account and Rees-Mogg is fucking your Mum. Literally and figuratively. Up the fucking arse.

Coming to a newspaper near you soon: lies about benefit fraud and stuff about foreign people. Divide, distract, do have another sherry, dear Lord Cuntface.
It’s an extremely difficult one in my view, but hear me out and don’t attack me!

I agree that the NHS has done an amazing job battling on the front line, but at least they are being offered a pay rise.

Thousands of people have lost their jobs in the last year, taken pay cuts (myself included whilst working through the pandemic) many have lost their homes. Unemployment has skyrocketed.

Surely we realise the next generation in the UK are going to be in a dire financial situation. A pay rise is a pay rise, it’s better than having nothing.

We see soldiers going to war in the Army, being shot and killed etc, do they receive a pay rise on return?

My father works for the NHS, and whilst his pay is not great, he has an incredible pension and benefits, better than a lot of jobs and he says he knows what he signed up for and is lucky to be offered even 1% given the dire financial situation in the UK.

Again, don’t jump down my throat!
We see soldiers going to war in the Army, being shot and killed etc, do they receive a pay rise on return?
They don't pay any contributions and get 40% of final salary paid out after just 20 years https://www.gov.uk/guidance/pensions-and-compensation-for-veterans

Over the last three years they got 7% salary rise https://www.gov.uk/government/news/armed-forces-personnel-to-receive-2-pay-rise

I don't like apples and turnip comparisons almost as much as I don't like society's drive to drag everything to the lowest common denominator. Kinda feel if we're constantly pointing fingers and saying 'they didn't get a pay rise therefore nobody should' doesn't benefit anybody at all.
I don't like apples and turnip comparisons almost as much as I don't like society's drive to drag everything to the lowest common denominator. Kinda feel if we're constantly pointing fingers and saying 'they didn't get a pay rise therefore nobody should' doesn't benefit anybody at all.

I agree but I understand why people don't want to hear it. People have lost their jobs to 'save the NHS' ... people have had businesses destroyed to 'save the NHS' ... and while they might agree with any pay rise they are given, they might not appreciate to hear people moaning that they only got 1% when everyone else got nothing (or worse than nothing) and sat in doors all year to 'save the NHS'.
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