I appreciate the reasons why some may feel moaning about pay rises is wrong, I think they need to suck it up.I agree but I understand why people don't want to hear it. People have lost their jobs to 'save the NHS' ... people have had businesses destroyed to 'save the NHS' ... and while they might agree with any pay rise they are given, they might not appreciate to hear people moaning that they only got 1% when everyone else got nothing (or worse than nothing) and sat in doors all year to 'save the NHS'.
Society wins when we all win, when we celebrate and support the success of others. The selfishness and narrow vision that was bred and nurtured in the 80s has been a toxic poison, driving people into claiming benefits while working, zero-hour contracts, soaring property rental prices, and food bank use.
At some point people need to think about whether we really ought to start doing stuff better than this negative spiral to the bottom bullshit. A nation where the richest can't hide their money, where corporations pony up on their tax obligations, where we guarantee everyone an affordable home and full stomachs - and where everyone can earn a decent salary for the work they do. I've never got why this is such a revolutionary concept?