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Oh my goodness, it's like another language!


tell me about it

i fee like the bloke in caddyshack

two of those, one of those, a box of those...

just one last thing. Are you able to carry these things around with you once set up, aside from the size, do they leak ?
Depends on the device, I believe. I'm paranoid, so I use a lanyard so it's kept upright when not in use.
As others have said, lots of options

I'm in the camp favouring keeping it modest to start with - the approch you have will, i'm sure, result in you buying more stuff later, but a couple of good small batteries won't be redundant if you upgrade to a mod later, as they'll still serve you well for out and about.

I also like the Innokin products, and have an itaste VV V3.0, which has variable wattage and voltage and an ohm checker - there are bigger and better amongst the Innokin and other brands, but I've often thought about getting a mod and come to the conclusion I really don't need one yet. I also have 5 decent eGo batteries of various sizes - from a tiny 350mAh for discreet vaping in shops, pubs and planes to a 1300mAh, and including an 1100mAh VV - I use all of them.

With a good VW battery, you have control and reliability and then you can make your decision about the light sabre when you have a better idea of what features are most important to you.

On tanks/atties - there's a wide range - so I'd suggest getting one of each type to try out, then you can explore more of the style you like best - so that would be a BCC (bottom coil, such as Evod and the range of Protanks), top coil (amongst the better out there are the iclear 16s & 30s - I wouldn't bother with CE4), then there's the DCT (with a carto in a tank) - nice warm thick vape, and maybe even a dripper (just got my first and loving the flavour and vapour)

Have a try of everything - you can't have too many tanks!! (I have 45!)
Are you able to carry these things around with you once set up, aside from the size, do they leak ?

No they don't leak. some caveats though.

i) You have to set them up right - if you haven't got it screwed together quite right all tanks can leak.
ii) All Genesis style atomisers leak (well not ALL of them but most of them) because of the way they are designed.

I've carried ProTanks and Evods and lots of normal clearomisers around without any leaking at all.

One tip though if you do go with a ProTank (or a n other bottom coil clearo) when you want to take it off the battery hold the whole thing upside down before you unscrew it. It's quite easy to unscrew the tank from the base and dump the contents everywhere by mistake when you want to unscrew the tank off the battery instead, especially when you're not too familiar with it.
+1 to the last point there - I almost just did this with a CE5 (I think - that bit appears to screw off, because it did partway, so I assume it does)
I skipped to last page here, so sorry if I am repeating here, I'm going to list my best pieces of kit and then the pieces I have heard the best things about and the things the most people with a big budget use.

My set up:

sigelei telescopic #61 mechanical mod.
a smok scar dripping atomiser

this gives flavour and lots of vapour.

Now I'll list what I have heard are the best pieces, but I'm a 19 year old engineering student with no money to spend on these godlike items.

Valkyrie hybrid
Provari mini
Kraken tank
nzonic mechanical mod
Kayfun Lite (or kayfun lite plus)

there are probably others, but these are the ones I hear mentioned a lot
evening all. I just wanted to drop you a note with my sincerest thanks for all for all of your help. You have been extraordinarily kind to somebody who has, no doubt, asked the question that gets asked 34 times a day.
the enthusiasm and free help has been second to none... truly, i am deeply humbled by people giving up their time for me. sincerely appreciated.

as an update, i have an Innokin iTast eSVD and some Pro Tank 2's on their way to me as i type, as well as a few other shiny things

ill let you know how i get on

for now, im still on the stinky's, but here's hoping for a less coughy life

Peace, love and other fairly sentimental drivel to you all

Sean x
welcome to potv mucker. I started on an ego, then got a vamo. loved the vamo but it played up so now have the svd which i love. i started with ce4 tanks which are now evods and again love them. thats a good start for most and will set you up on the path to rebuildables as you have the choice to rebuild the coils for the evods but can also buy them to. its very easy to rebuild them to be fair..... and buy the time you learn to rebuild and what to get you will have the knowledge to 1. move on to bigger and better thing :) ans 2. help new members as you will know enough to pass on your new found wisdom...... its not as far of as you think trust me. im sure many people here will back me up as they have andwered my stupid questions. thats the circle of knowledge.
so..... am sitting here with a glass of wine, 2.2ohm pro tank 2, istaste svd and some tobacco flavoured oil.
it s a bit weird sitting indoors doing this !
ive set it at 3.4 volts and 7.5 watts
first time i realised you had to press the button before starting (ahem!) i took an enormous drag... then spent the next 3 seconds coughing and finding my horizon again (its ok, its still there)
now im just taking my time, getting to know it... and still feeling a little weird doing this indoors

im sure i'll have many more questions about what next, how do you know when your tank coil is finished with / done (?), whats your optimum setting etc eetc
but for now, im going to watch telly and have a sm.... vape

thanks for all the help
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