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Ohm help!

I'm even more confused by all this ohm business then I was before haha. Maybe someone can break it down by answering a single question for me:

I have a bud tank that says it's 2.1 - 2.4 ohms. Anything over 3v on my LT and it tastes burnt. Do I need a higher ohm or lower ohm to vape at higher voltages without the burning??

Power (Watts) = Volts X Amps

Amps = Volts/Resistance

The lower the resistance, the smaller the divider for the volts is, the more amps get through. EG 4 volts divided by 1 ohm = 4 amps. 4 volts divided by 2 ohms = 2 amps.

There's an ohms law calculator here: http://www.ohmslawcalculator.com/ohms_law_calculator.php

At 3.3 volts a 1.8 ohm atomizer would deliver 1.83 amps and 6 watts of power. At 2.2 ohms and 3.3 v you'd get 1.5 amps and 4.95 watts.

If your battery(ies) are up to it the lower ohmage devices will deliver more power and therefore more vapour (all other things being equal).

OK, thanks, that helps. Totally Wicked reckon my battery from them can handle their 1.5 ohm DCT, & the stuff that comes with their start up kits is higher ohms, so theoretically I should be good on the 1.8ohm version of what I was looking at. :joyous:
I'm even more confused by all this ohm business then I was before haha. Maybe someone can break it down by answering a single question for me:

I have a bud tank that says it's 2.1 - 2.4 ohms. Anything over 3v on my LT and it tastes burnt. Do I need a higher ohm or lower ohm to vape at higher voltages without the burning??


I use Bud tanks - they are great VFM and nice and compact. They don't last forever and if the draw gets tight or flavour goes off it usually means that its either on the way out or gunged up. To solve the gunged up I fill the tank with cheap vodka and leave that in overnight then wash the thing out with tap water and let it dry out with the 510 end wrapped in Plenty (this tends to wick out any water inside). Then I do a quick 2 or 3 shot dry burn, fill & vape. I usually have to go through this process 2-4 times before the things are truly dead. I find that the VG ones that ecigwizard sell last a bit longer and perform a bit better than the standard ones.

I also find Buds don't respond well to very high voltages - they can't wick fast enough - up to 4.5 v though they seem to work really well and I am a fan of them. 3 volts shouldn't be a problem at all - maybe its gunged up or dead?
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If they are gunged up or dead then I'm doing something very wrong, just got them yesterday haha. Filled one left it sit for 20mins, whacked it on my LT at 4.1v and got a mouthful of burnt wick. 1 tank dead right off the starting line.

2nd tank I filled, left for 2 hours, whacked it on at 3v and it was ok, slight singed taste but not too bad, very little vapor though. put it at 3.1v and the burnt taste came through a bit more.
If they are gunged up or dead then I'm doing something very wrong, just got them yesterday haha. Filled one left it sit for 20mins, whacked it on my LT at 4.1v and got a mouthful of burnt wick. 1 tank dead right off the starting line.

2nd tank I filled, left for 2 hours, whacked it on at 3v and it was ok, slight singed taste but not too bad, very little vapor though. put it at 3.1v and the burnt taste came through a bit more.

What are you vaping? There are PG and VG versions of these, though not many retailers sell them, ecigwizard do. If you are vaping something that is VG heavy maybe they can't cope - that's the only thing I can suggest. I now only use the VG versions.
80/20 PG/VG. is what I usualy vape. It's baffling me to no end, but oh well. :)
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