ive got the storm last week. ( fantastic dripper , regardless of price, the fact its so cheap , is a massive bonus ! )
ive tried a higher ohm build , dual coil coming out 1.6 ohms and has huge vapour and a gentle throat hit , very flavourful ,
and a 0.6ohm dual coil which has enormous throat vape , less flavour than the 1.6 but still amazing.
may i ask if your using it fully open? or ae you closing off some of the airholes?
fully open im sure its 3mm airhole either side( total , 3 x 1mm holes)
if you want clouds , have it fully open.
also it is worth noting
a 3.5ohm coil is ENORMOUSLY HIGH
even with a variable wattage device you will be putting very little power into a coil with that high a resistance.
PlumeBlu ( fabulous vendor btw)
mentioned making an identical coil ( if the two coils arnt identical it wont fire well )
this will half your 3.5 resistance and will make more vapour and a stronger warmer vape.
if done correctly will be a 1.75ohm coil.