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orieco storm.3.5 ohms

red rooster

Mar 26, 2014
Hi all well i got an orieco storm rda after all your recomendations ive put a single coil on it 10 wraps .25 kanthal round a small precision screw driver its reading 3.5 on my mvp getting lots of flavour but very little vaper should i be using less wraps .very happy with it by the way ordered from greyhaze yesterday and hear this morning now thats service.thanks stuart.
.25 i normally do 4 wraps round a 2mm drill bit or similar size screwdriver which gives me 1.4ohms so yes in answer to your question, less wraps will drop the ohms.
Why not try putting a second matching coil in though? The storm is made for dual coil and that would halve your resistance if you want to keep it fairly high.
Thanks lads ive stripped it out and redone with 7 wraps round my little screwdriver now giving 2.o ohms much better,may try a double coil next time ,but ive big clumsy fingers struggling a bit lol.thanks again stuart
ive got the storm last week. ( fantastic dripper , regardless of price, the fact its so cheap , is a massive bonus ! )

ive tried a higher ohm build , dual coil coming out 1.6 ohms and has huge vapour and a gentle throat hit , very flavourful ,

and a 0.6ohm dual coil which has enormous throat vape , less flavour than the 1.6 but still amazing.

may i ask if your using it fully open? or ae you closing off some of the airholes?

fully open im sure its 3mm airhole either side( total , 3 x 1mm holes)

if you want clouds , have it fully open.

also it is worth noting
a 3.5ohm coil is ENORMOUSLY HIGH

even with a variable wattage device you will be putting very little power into a coil with that high a resistance.
PlumeBlu ( fabulous vendor btw)
mentioned making an identical coil ( if the two coils arnt identical it wont fire well )

this will half your 3.5 resistance and will make more vapour and a stronger warmer vape.
if done correctly will be a 1.75ohm coil.

As above I'm new to making coils etc I've been reading and ytubeing ,thought 3.5 was high,now running at 2.ohms which is better,find with the airholes open its to airy for me ,might look for a high end single coil dripper now.thanks Darth.
contagious this coil building had another wee play today using twisted .25 wire,now getting 1.ohms and the coil looks like it will last forever was easier to build fit it in as its a bit stiffer didnt think my mvp would fire it so low but its doing fine massive clouds,think ill stick with the twisted wire seems easier on my dodgy hands need to order more wire soon.stuart
I swear by thicker kanthal. I did a 8 wrap coil on my kraken yesterday using 0.45mm 25awg. It fires up fast and is a nice low 0.7ohms.
Hi seedy not sure how low my mvp will fire at ,maybe order thicker wire next time ive only got .25 .got to try different things ,may buy a mod and put a kick in it im not fussed carrying batteries about .like the look of the m16 mod.
Hi seedy not sure how low my mvp will fire at ,maybe order thicker wire next time ive only got .25 .got to try different things ,may buy a mod and put a kick in it im not fussed carrying batteries about .like the look of the m16 mod.

I like the m16 too. Its about all I use these days.
I wouldn't bother with a kick though as this will limit your ohms just like your MVP does.
Unleash the ohmage! ;-)
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