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Pico Squeeze

Update - Squeeze, Hadaly and SS claptons all arrived yesterday (7 days since ordering with standard free delivery from FT?!)

Wow. I love it. Packs a good punch and once the wick properly settled in the flavour is amazing. Cheers for all the recommendations and advise apes!

(Pic to show how much smaller this is compared to my (previous) day-to-day vape set up)
My favourite on the squeeze is 24awg NI80 5 wraps on 2.5id comes out to 0.36 and vapes like a champ zero ramp time, quite feisty on a fresh battery but settles down fast.

I use this in a Le Concorde or Soul S (both amazing btw)
Love this set up but have a significant gap on the 510 pin about 2-3mm how do I adjust it? the picture above doesn't seem to have a gap!
Love this set up but have a significant gap on the 510 pin about 2-3mm how do I adjust it? the picture above doesn't seem to have a gap!
Did you have to install the squonking pin yourself? When I did mine the washer thing the squonking pin goes through popped out, first time I put it back in I put it upside down and squonking pin stick too far out, realised and turned washer over sits flush now...
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