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Please can someone check my build?


Dec 17, 2017
This is my first ever parallel build. It’s 24g kanthal 8 wraps (I think) and came out at 0.19 on my ohm reader and 0.17 on my minkin v2. Is it ok? What can I change? Thanks
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More importantly, how does it vape? If it's the best vape you've ever had, don't change a thing...
If it's safe and fires properly and you enjoy it who cares what we think. This is my parallel that I was vaping on in work
Yea I got the same but I'm using it for flavour if you want a quick ramp up try just a normal clapton
Yea I got the same but I'm using it for flavour if you want a quick ramp up try just a normal clapton
I usually use a Clapton pre-made but I’m trying to learn to build myself and experiment a bit. I’m getting a mech so I’m going to try to build my own a bit more
If you use claptons then try and build your own clapton once you've learnt them ten you could make staples or staggered etc
Thank you I’ll give that a shot!
8 wraps of Ni80 parallel around 3mm should give 0.18/0.2 with virtually zero ramp - I've got a 6 wrap parallel in Ni80 and it's coming in it 0.14 whichis a bit low for a mech but I'm running on a regulated box so much safer.
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