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Please Recommend Me A New Tank & Coils!


Apr 11, 2016
Hi All,

I have not posted for years & have not looked at vaping products in all these years so am well out of the loop so to speak. I have been vaping away with my present stuff in all that time with which I have never really been happy with. I am not into anything fancy in terms of vaping - not into things technically or cloud chasing etc - just wish to have a basic & good vape with good flavour.

I have a number of the Innokin Proton Mods with the Scion 2 Tanks with which I was using the Scion Plexus Mesh or Plexus Mesh 3D Coils. All of my 5 Proton Mods suffered QC Issues & I then changed it to a Geek Vape Aegis Legend 2 which I am so much happier with. I am still using the Scion 2 Tanks with the Scion Mesh Plexus or Plexus Mesh 3D Coils as I have a few of them. Even though the coils say to vape at between 60-100 watts - I vape at 55 watts as anything more & it becomes really quite unpleasant & unbearable.

I have never really had a good experience with the Scion Coils - despite all the glowing reviews, in all the years I have used them they have, for me been very disappointing & always seem to give a horrible dry vape & burnt taste very quickly. Out of a pack of three, one usually always has issues, & even then, they offer a very dry experience with very little flavour & do not last very long & it gets expensive at around £10 for 3 - I usually just buy from Amazon for quick delivery.

I really now have had enough & wish to change to a new tank & coils that I can use with my GeekVape mod - it makes no difference to me whether I vape at say 20 watts or 60 etc - I just want a good vape with good flavour. However, I would also much prefer to vape at lower watts in order to preserve battery life as much as possible. The batteries I have are 18650 Molicell M35A 3.7v 10A - 125 2MA20 17.

Please can anyone kindly recommend me a new, strong tank (the Innokin Scion 2 tank is very fragile & not well made) that can hold a large amount of liquid & with really good value for money/cheap coils that ideally, I can re-wick? The re-wicking part is quite important to me as I wish to maximise things & not end up in an expensive loop as with the Innokin Plexus Coils. Flavour as oppose to Clouds is for me!

Many Thanks!
I think that the Blotto max may do for you, it is a dual coil rebuildable with about a 7 ml tank with the supplied bubble glass fitted. Have you considered an RDA? in my opinion they are without equal for flavour and when paired with a squonk mod not too fiddly.
I'm not making any recommendations for tanks/stock coils as I'm out of the loop, but you've chosen the wrong batteries for your mod.

Running a pair of 10 Amp batteries at 55 Watts is pushing them too hard bud. They are ideal for low power MTL vaping but they will be running at max load all the time and I wouldn't be surprised if your mod is cutting out at 'low power' when your batteries still have lots of juice left because of chronic internal voltage drop when they are under load.

This may sound dumb but you'll get far better run time from a pair of 2,800mah 25 Amp Molicel P28as than any kind of 3,500mah battery because none of them are designed to be used at high Amp loads. 3,000mah 20 Amp 18650s from a decent genuine battery like Samsung 30Q or Sonly VTC6a will be even better. I'd go out on a limb and say a decent pair of 2,500mah 20 Amp batteries will give better performance - even if they don't give better run time you won't be ragging the arse off them at anything over 50 Watts.
I'm not making any recommendations for tanks/stock coils as I'm out of the loop, but you've chosen the wrong batteries for your mod.

Running a pair of 10 Amp batteries at 55 Watts is pushing them too hard bud. They are ideal for low power MTL vaping but they will be running at max load all the time and I wouldn't be surprised if your mod is cutting out at 'low power' when your batteries still have lots of juice left because of chronic internal voltage drop when they are under load.

This may sound dumb but you'll get far better run time from a pair of 2,800mah 25 Amp Molicel P28as than any kind of 3,500mah battery because none of them are designed to be used at high Amp loads. 3,000mah 20 Amp 18650s from a decent genuine battery like Samsung 30Q or Sonly VTC6a will be even better. I'd go out on a limb and say a decent pair of 2,500mah 20 Amp batteries will give better performance - even if they don't give better run time you won't be ragging the arse off them at anything over 50 Watts.
Hi Crispycritters,

Thank you kindly for replying! I have to be honest with you & declare I am not at all technical on these matters & so before purchasing the batteries, I sought advice from a Vape Dealer (Fogstar) as to which correct batteries to get & informed them of my set up & how I vape as described above.

It was they who recommended the Molicell M35A 10 Amps. I was unsure as my previous batteries were 25A so clarified again with them & they said:

"The 10A will just be enough for your set up! You will be drawing around 9.5A vaping at 60W on a dual cell device so i wouldn't recommend exceeding 60."

It was on this "expert" advice that I went ahead & bought 6 of them. Quite upset & surprised now to find I may have been advised incorrectly. May I ask, can I still use the batteries if I went with a new tank & coil that operates on lower wattage than the 55 Watts I currently vape at please?

Many Thanks
@Bazzy You’ll be fine at 55W with those batteries. The rule of thumb I use is max Watts = 3xMax Amps x Number of batteries. So, 3x10x2=60W. This allows some headroom.

Fogstar gave you good advice, just don’t go over 60W
Hi Crispycritters,

Thank you kindly for replying! I have to be honest with you & declare I am not at all technical on these matters & so before purchasing the batteries, I sought advice from a Vape Dealer (Fogstar) as to which correct batteries to get & informed them of my set up & how I vape as described above.

It was they who recommended the Molicell M35A 10 Amps. I was unsure as my previous batteries were 25A so clarified again with them & they said:

"The 10A will just be enough for your set up! You will be drawing around 9.5A vaping at 60W on a dual cell device so i wouldn't recommend exceeding 60."

It was on this "expert" advice that I went ahead & bought 6 of them. Quite upset & surprised now to find I may have been advised incorrectly. May I ask, can I still use the batteries if I went with a new tank & coil that operates on lower wattage than the 55 Watts I currently vape at please?

Many Thanks

Well, technically speaking, they can cope with 55 Watts - but it means they are ALWAYS being used at or really close to their absolute maximum capability, theoretically they can do it - but don't expect them to last long..

Where things can go off the rails is low Amp batteries suffer from high voltage drop under load, when the batteries are providing lower wattage the board has to pull higher Amp levels to compensate and when they are at about half charge or less they will start to struggle -. If your batteries are getting very warm as they get close to cut off it's a sign they are working hard. On paper 3,500mah is a higher storage capacity therefore they will have longer run time, but this does not take battery sag/voltage drop into consideration. In reality higher capacity low amp batteries have much more severe voltage drop when under load so your mod will detect it isn't getting the minimum voltage and refuse to fire/flash a low battery warning when there is still plenty of energy still stored in the batteries and you can easily find yourself only being able to use half of the charge because the safety circuitry of the mod won't let you go any lower, Conversely lower capacity, higher Amp batteries don't suffer as badly from voltage drop/sag because they are designed to be used in high current, fast drain devices like power drills - because they don't suffer as badly from voltage drop you get to use almost all of their storage capacity so you actually get longer run time with the added bonus of them only running at half of their current load limit - so they won't deteriorate as fast.

If you find a new tank/coil system that will run at 40 - 45 Watts your batteries should be fine. They will still be getting a bit of a work out, but you won't be hammering them.

I'm surprised Fogstar recommended them - out of every single flat top 18650 they sell the 3500mah 10 Amp jobs are the only ones I wouldn't even consider for DL vaping. They're great for MTL but recommending them for DL vaping is taking the piss IMO.
Hi All,

I have not posted for years & have not looked at vaping products in all these years so am well out of the loop so to speak. I have been vaping away with my present stuff in all that time with which I have never really been happy with. I am not into anything fancy in terms of vaping - not into things technically or cloud chasing etc - just wish to have a basic & good vape with good flavour.

I have a number of the Innokin Proton Mods with the Scion 2 Tanks with which I was using the Scion Plexus Mesh or Plexus Mesh 3D Coils. All of my 5 Proton Mods suffered QC Issues & I then changed it to a Geek Vape Aegis Legend 2 which I am so much happier with. I am still using the Scion 2 Tanks with the Scion Mesh Plexus or Plexus Mesh 3D Coils as I have a few of them. Even though the coils say to vape at between 60-100 watts - I vape at 55 watts as anything more & it becomes really quite unpleasant & unbearable.

I have never really had a good experience with the Scion Coils - despite all the glowing reviews, in all the years I have used them they have, for me been very disappointing & always seem to give a horrible dry vape & burnt taste very quickly. Out of a pack of three, one usually always has issues, & even then, they offer a very dry experience with very little flavour & do not last very long & it gets expensive at around £10 for 3 - I usually just buy from Amazon for quick delivery.

I really now have had enough & wish to change to a new tank & coils that I can use with my GeekVape mod - it makes no difference to me whether I vape at say 20 watts or 60 etc - I just want a good vape with good flavour. However, I would also much prefer to vape at lower watts in order to preserve battery life as much as possible. The batteries I have are 18650 Molicell M35A 3.7v 10A - 125 2MA20 17.

Please can anyone kindly recommend me a new, strong tank (the Innokin Scion 2 tank is very fragile & not well made) that can hold a large amount of liquid & with really good value for money/cheap coils that ideally, I can re-wick? The re-wicking part is quite important to me as I wish to maximise things & not end up in an expensive loop as with the Innokin Plexus Coils. Flavour as oppose to Clouds is for me!

Many Thanks!
Geekvape Zues or a Voopoo LForce are good. But stock coils not rebuildable. Very consistent with the coils, can't recall having a bad one of either. Top air flows, no leaks, good flavour and they last quite well. 👍
+1 for Geekvape Zeus. Been using them for years with the 0.3ohm coils at 60w and replacement bubble glass. Coils last well and I've only ever had a couple of duds. Only quibble I have is that a couple of the tanks (of the six I've had) seem to chew through the small top-cap o-ring which causes flooding.
Edit: If anyone else has this problem I got spare silicone o-rings that fit perfectly (OD12mm, 1mm thick) from Amazon. Couple of weeks to arrive from China.. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0CF9CWY2C

I'm trying to move to lower wattage, higher nicotine and have got a few Innokin Zlide Minimal tanks with 4ml replacement glass and Vaperesso Target 100 mods. Working great with the 0.4ohm coils at 30w for restricted direct to lung vaping. Only quibble is I occasionally get a bit of liquid coming from the drip tip but suspect that easily fixed with a few tweaks to my vaping style.
Edit: Fixed the Zlide Minimal issue with liquid on the drip tip by using the wider RDL drip tip. My airflow was set too open for the MTL one.
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I think that the Blotto max may do for you, it is a dual coil rebuildable with about a 7 ml tank with the supplied bubble glass fitted. Have you considered an RDA? in my opinion they are without equal for flavour and when paired with a squonk mod not too fiddly.


Thanks for the recommendation but I would prefer to get something that I can buy ready made coils for for ease of use & availability when not at home etc - can you recommend anything that I can vape at say between 20-40 watts please?

Many Thanks!
Geekvape Zues or a Voopoo LForce are good. But stock coils not rebuildable. Very consistent with the coils, can't recall having a bad one of either. Top air flows, no leaks, good flavour and they last quite well. 👍

Hi Tazz,

Thanks kindly - I will have a look at them but do you know any that might be rebuildable please?

Many Thanks!
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