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Pre-made clapton wire


Mar 8, 2016
Dunno if this is in the right section or not so sorry if it is.
I was just wondering where the best place i could buy some pre made clapton wire also what gauge etc or if its best to just make my own if so where to get the supplies for that, ive never backed down from a challenge so wouldn't mind doing either just something to keep me busy when im bored.

Cheers in advance

If you're making your own a handheld drill is useful, and a pair of pliers. Usually the inner core wire is thicker, 24 or 26 awg is a good starting point. For wrapping, a thinner guage like 32 to 36 awg works well. It really depends what resistance you're aiming for. Steam-engine is your go to site for figuring out what guages to use. http://www.steam-engine.org/
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