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How To Protank and evod rebuilding

Do you use NRN wire or just simple Kanthal? Because after I try to rebuild with simple Kanthal it give me the burnt taste.
Do you use NRN wire or just simple Kanthal? Because after I try to rebuild with simple Kanthal it give me the burnt taste.

Just kanthal, if you read the tutorial I advise doubling back the legs on each side and twisting the legs to stop burning the rubber bung.
Do you use NRN wire or just simple Kanthal? Because after I try to rebuild with simple Kanthal it give me the burnt taste.

Burning will be a problem with juice not flowing or starting to vape too soon after first filling. What wick are you using? What volts or watts are you dialed in at?
Whistler, thanks for a great tutorial. I've seen lots of vids on youtube etc but like you said you have to fiddle around pressing pause and so on and in the end you get fed up and just give it up as a bad job lol. I've just re-wicked and re-coiled my protank for the first time, but i'm gonna have to admit to cheating on this one. I had a "pre-made" wick and coil from a Smok R-tank that i used and just cut the wick and coil down to suit, so i'm afraid i didn't do it properly, and also i think i made a mistake on the flavour wick. I just cut another piece of the wick and laid it on top, i didn't thin it out or anything, not sure if that's going to make any difference or not but at the moment it's working. It's quite high resistance at 2.5 ohms but like i say, it works. Next time i do it i'll follow your tutorial and see if i can do it properly. I've re-wicked and re-coiled ce4's successfully but this looks a lot more 'fiddly', but we'll give it a bash :), thanks again.
Good to hear that yoda1970 believe me if you have redone ce4's, the protank/evod head is no more fiddly. The only part of my tutorial that gets fiddly is twisting the legs. That part is something you can choose to do or not.
Hi, I have a question...
I've rebuild a few heads already, and I like my coils @ 2.5ohm, more or less. I have 2mm silica wick, for the coil, and I use 1 and a half wick on top as the flavor wick (givin approx. 3mm of flavor wick). I use 70/30 (PG wise) juice, so the extra flavor wick really helps with gurgling.

The question: would it be beneficial (or less) to use doubled-up wick in the coil? Would that fit in the EVOD head or would it be too packed up? Also, would I still need flavor wick? I'm afraid that doubled-up 2mm in the coil + 2 mm flavour = 6 mm total, which might be too tight for good wicking.
I mean, not that the current setup is bad, no. I like it. I was just wondering if there would be any advantage in this kind of setup where one has more wick inside the coil and less flavour wick?

Whistler, thank you so much for sharing this with us. I've just re-wicked my protank and it works!! I missed the bit about adding another strand of wick as a flavour wick, but I'll try that next time. Took me about an hour whilst watching TV, I've realised that I am going blind and will need a magnifying glass in future! But such a good feeling, I've done it and feel sooooo chuffed with myself!!

Sorry to dig up an oldish post but my coil building improved tenfold when I finally admitted to myself that I couldn't see well enough to do the job!

Bought a pair of +3 dioptre reading specs from the pound shop and have never looked back:D
I need to learn to rewick and coil my evods and mini pro tanks soon!
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