Do you use NRN wire or just simple Kanthal? Because after I try to rebuild with simple Kanthal it give me the burnt taste.
Just kanthal, if you read the tutorial I advise doubling back the legs on each side and twisting the legs to stop burning the rubber bung.
Do you use NRN wire or just simple Kanthal? Because after I try to rebuild with simple Kanthal it give me the burnt taste.
Whistler, thank you so much for sharing this with us. I've just re-wicked my protank and it works!! I missed the bit about adding another strand of wick as a flavour wick, but I'll try that next time. Took me about an hour whilst watching TV, I've realised that I am going blind and will need a magnifying glass in future! But such a good feeling, I've done it and feel sooooo chuffed with myself!!