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Public Health Wales calls for public places e-cigs ban

whats looks better on your average psycopathic "elected" person's CV

1) I worked there for 4 years and did nothing. Everything was already cool so I sat back and made sure it stayed like that


1) I championed the bill to get ecigs banned
2) I made it so that gay people have to always bow first before having sex
3) and this one time, at bandcamp....
4) Please can I have a research paper attributed to me, my name in lights, and when you google me, made it so that I am EVERY_FUCKING_WHERE

they all want to be immortalised. Its my version of statue syndrome.
*fist shake*

Sent them a quick tweet

Sod the quick tweet :P
I just replied to that too lol

Bad for your heart, hmm, let's list things we can do in public that are bad for your heart and try and get them banned!
One from me:

Just read your Tosh about banning ecigs.

So you do not want ecigs to be freely available because it will renormalise the very thing that ecigs actually denormalise?

Inhaling vapour is by it's very definition NOT SMOKING. People who inhale nicotine vapour DO NOT SMOKE.
People who want to switch to this alternative WILL NOT BE SMOKERS
Explain your logic?

Yes, lets get them long term tested, short term testing has gone in favour of ecigs being a public health boon - what is there to fear or are your pockets filled with the proceeds of Pharma companies so much that public health is secondary?

These products have been shown to be effective by their very uptake in public becoming so widespread, all without government money being used AT ALL. What about ineffective NRT? The same cannot be said. NR does not work for 96% of people (myself included) ecigs do.

Sorry but such misguided and ill informed rubbish coming out of a public health service is disappointing at best, corrupt at worst and it smacks of toeing the line the MHRA are feeding PURELY because their paymasters in Pharma are losing money on their product.

Please explain where any evidence can be found to contradict the many, many studies showing ecigs to be safer than smoking, safer in regards to passive smoking risks and more importantly how many lives their free availability will save.

Shame on you Public Health Wales...
we ( the vapists ) should choose the Indipendant party not these snotty nosed di$ks
Tweet from @PublichealthW " Using ecigs means you are still addicted to nicotine, there is no safe way to continue smoking!!!!

We know thats why we vape FFS. And what about those who vape zero nic!!!!
Tweet from @PublichealthW " Using ecigs means you are still addicted to nicotine, there is no safe way to continue smoking!!!!

We know thats why we vape FFS. And what about those who vape zero nic!!!!

You may notice that they went very quiet a couple or so hours ago.

Either they've knocked off early, being civil servants, or they've been rendered very quiet by the responses they got to all of their "helpful" tweets.

Or they've had to put an emergency call into their paymasters at Big Pharma for help.

I doubt very much whether they're bothering with the link to the e-cig summit output as it doesn't agree with their messages.
I fired a few tweets back at that statement....and as you say very quiet...they don't seem to have many facts just regurgitated bollox.
why oh why do these people keep making sweeping statements that we are making socially unacceptable behaviour acceptable, stopping the efforts of people to stop smoking well I stopped smoking 10weeks ago when I started vaping and I'm not looking back as far as i'm concerned another cigarette will never touch my lips, When will they realise vaping is not smoking and is much healthier.
Its a matter of choice if people want to invibe nicotine let them in whatever method they choose at the end of the day its a basic human right to put what we like in our bodies we're not hurting anybody so why cant they leave us alone.
Because quite simply MONEY they're worried about how much tax they're going to lose if loads of people switch to vaping which they are and will continue to do so I believe. They're not counting on the fact that the nhs will save a load of cash. of course another point the government won't admit to is that they don't want people to live longer they count on people dying so they don't have to pay them a pension.
GRRR makes me mad as hell.:3dmad::angrymob::rant::banghead:

VAPE HARD:assassin:
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