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Pulse X RDA...does it get too hot?


New Member
Dec 12, 2018
Hi guys newbie here posting my first question. I’ve decided to try squonking im looking at regulated squonk mods. I’ve narrowed it down the the pulse X 90 and the ohm boy rage.

My question is, does the RDA that comes with the pulse x get too hot? I’ve seen a few reviews that mention how much it heats up. Don’t want to end up burning my pocket/bag or dropping it on the sofa and burning a hole?

Also if there are any opinions on which of these two I should get id love to hear them!

Cheers a lot

If you have chunky coils that need a lot of power then any atty will get a tad warm.
Any small metal chamber with large heating elements will get toasty even with decent airflow over them.

It shouldn't get hot enough to burn or mark furniture but you'd want to be careful putting the kit in your pocketses after chaining it!!
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