Wow guys, thanks for all the support and advice, it really does feel better and easier when you can talk to someone!
I've been on another forum to ask the same question and all I've got was: 'stop immediately! Vaping is unhealthy and you're gonna DIE!' (Slight exaggeration here). And 'I think you'd be better off on fags, tbh. At least all the side effects are known'. Same with family. My brother started lecturing me about vaping, stating that harm tobacco does is grossly exaggerated, it's not actually that bad and even has benefits in some cases, dementia, for example (??? whatever). Funny thing is, most of the people around me are long term smokers. But even those who don't smoke, never said a word when I did. But as soon as I bought my vape kit - the pontificating started.
Ok, rant over, sorry

Getting back on health. I've upped my water intake today. I was already drinking 3L a day (for a long time, unrelated to smoking), but I still got that ' very dry mouth' feeling since started vaping. Upping water even more seem to help somewhat. Hope I'm not going to drown

I'm not overly concerned with my health, tbh. I mean, I was reasonably healthy before starting vaping and I'm feeling crappy for the past week/1.5 weeks only. I don't think that's caused by vaping rather than withdrawal from fags, though. So I just wanted to hear other experiences, as there's a lot of info about nicotine withdrawal when one goes cold turkey, but I couldn't find enough about what happens when you quit smoking and start vaping.