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Quitting Vaping & Why

I quit with champix only side effect was a dry mouth. While I was in the early stages when you are still meant to smoke I was having to force my self to smoke. I was on about 30 a day at the time and still drank regularly.
Champix got me off cigarettes twice (the first time for 2 years).
For me, I kept smoking until I literally couldn't because it made me feel ill, but it also reduced my cravings so by the time I had to stop I was only getting a few cravings a day anyway.

The only side effect I noticed was my own fault. The instructions tell you to take it with food, but one morning I took it straight away, knowing I'd be having breakfast within 15 minutes.
I only lasted 5 before my head started spinning, but a quick banana soon sorted me out.

For the record , it's not vapers who are wankers, it's just people.
Wankers who happen to be vapers (to the extent that vaping is one of the most important things in their lives) get wanky about vaping , just like wankers who are gamers get wanky about gaming and wankers who are petrol heads get wanky about cars.
The right vape is the one you like. The right game is the one you like. The right car is the one you like.
So I'm now on day 4 of Chantix. I'm not Salivating much anymore, I'm still having unusual dreams, but not nightmares. I do get snappy when people piss me off and start cursing at people I care about (which I don't normally do), but I do calm down and appologize. The only thing that is starting to worry me is malaise (feeling uneasy like something terrible is going to happen or haunted). It comes in waves, then it goes away. I absolutely hate that feeling, but if it starts to get unbearable to the point where that haunting feeling does not go away, I'm going to get off of it.
Oh, and I'm getting mouth sores. Not herpes, just swollen bumps, similar to if you drank too much acidic drinks.
Perhaps you just had a bad experience, repeatedly. Not all communities are like that, POTV is a good example of a great supportive community that won't judge you.
I remember someone else from US made a thread here a few months ago saying how her American forums/community would laugh at her because "your clouds are really week you stupid noob". The reaction on POTV was "doesn't matter, if it works for you then great".

I don't know much about Champix but from what I read I would prefer vaping. Whatever you end up doing, hope it works out well.
As you already know @djpurity, champix can have some side effects. I used it, no problems whatsoever. Quit smoking for over 18 months, it was effortless, the tablets just stopped the urge/craving to smoke.

Best of luck. [emoji106]
@collateral diarrhea Sounds like a typical American vape forum. I actually went lurking on one the other day, didn't post anything, but there was a lot of shaming and teasing.

@tobywonkanobi, I'm on day 4, as mentioned in my last comments and I'm definitely having some strange minor side effects. Hopefully they don't worsen.
Soo, here's the update.

Had to quit taking Chantix on day 5. Consulting nurse from the doctors office called me saying that I needed to stop taking it immediately and be seen by my physician because I am exhibiting early symptoms of a disease that Chantix can cause (and they are failing to warn consumers about) called Stevens-Johnson Disease. That's why I was complaining about the lip blisters, they're pretty nasty. Right now they're treating it as an allergic reaction, if it hasn't improved by friday, they're going to run more tests. But there's a second option for me and that's Wellbutrin. But I'm rather miserable considering getting blisters on your lips is rather uncomfortable, it started with one or two, then appeared rapidly. It's hard to eat, talk and brush your teeth.
Jeez, horrific!
You sure avoiding hipster Vape douches are worth all this strife..? Oh no wait, FDA regs, you probably better off quitting before the industry collapses...
Hugs, hope it works
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