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RBA on MVP 2, what do I need?

I use cotton in everything, and have Rayon due and day now.

You asked about voodoo wool, Mostly is the best for advice here .

He says it kicks cottons arse but I haven't tried both to compare...
I've ordered the 2mm voodoowool as I wanted to order it by 2pm. Some say it is quite a thick material, but that the 1mm version may not be thick enough. I'll have to ask for advice if I have any trouble using it. Hopefully will be simple enough.
Can anyone tell me what size wool to get for kayfun lite plus dual coil, if I'm using .28 kanthal wire. I know it may be individual choice but as a total noob I'd appreciate knowing what works for others. Cheers.

In my Kayfun lite I have a single coil running at 2 ohms with organic cotton wick. Seems to be best like this.

I have also had good results doing a navy nest type wick (google it) and a modified version of this with 2mm ecowool.

Also had a good vape off of 2.5mm voodoowool with about a 1.6 ohm coil. I cut the voodoowool off so it was just touching the deck above the juice channels and that worked well.

Voodoowool and ecowool benefits from being torched or lit up to white heat on a gas hob. Either use a paper clip inside the wick or alongside it for a navy nest to stop it collapsing as both of these wicks are hollow. Solid silica just wrap away with no worries lol.


Sent by Harbinger from the edge of the Apocalypse...
blademansw Thanks man. I'll just rewick my brain and let that soak in. I just ordered before you replied, n I ordered the 2mm voodoowool and 3ohm pre-made resistance wire, for a dual coil setup so I get around 1.5. I didn't realise the KFL worked ok on single coil setup. Anyway I hope what i got is gonna be ok. :umm:
blademansw Thanks man. I'll just rewick my brain and let that soak in. I just ordered before you replied, n I ordered the 2mm voodoowool and 3ohm pre-made resistance wire, for a dual coil setup so I get around 1.5. I didn't realise the KFL worked ok on single coil setup. Anyway I hope what i got is gonna be ok. :umm:

No worries m8, it sounds more complicated than it is, it was just a bit difficult to answer all your questions without a wall of text.

The important thing to do is play around, and find something that works for you. :-)

Sent by Harbinger from the edge of the Apocalypse...
Sorry, I didn't read your post properly, didn't realise it was for the KFL.
I've only had mine a few weeks, but what you've ordered sounds fine. It's not fussy at all with builds in my (very limited) experience.
I don't think you can dual coil a KFL. It might be possible but it would be difficult if so, it's not designed for that.
Unless you meant a parallel coil?
I have read that you can dual coil a kfl, but it won't take huge amounts of power anyway as the chimney is too small. Single coil smooth :-)

Sent by Harbinger from the edge of the Apocalypse...
Panter Oh fuk a duck, I thought it was dual coil set up with the KL. I have ordered the KFL + v2 to be precise. Now I've gone and ordered 3ohm pre made resistance wire, which is gonna be too high for a single coil. Dammit. Hopefully stealthvapes haven't sent my order yet, so I can get them to change it to 1.5ohm. :noob:
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@Panter Oh fuk a duck, I thought it was dual coil set up with the KL. I have ordered the KFL + v2 to be precise. Now I've gone and ordered 3ohm pre made resistance wire, which is gonna be too high for a single coil. Dammit. Hopefully stealthvapes haven't sent my order yet, so I can get them to change it to 1.5ohm. :noob:

3 Ohm may be OK? I honestly don't know. I don't know what the maximum resistance is for the MVP.
In any case, you don't need premade resistance wire for the KFL, you wire it straight to the posts so you don't need the no-resistance piece on the coil.
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