You won't damage the coil with too high a voltage, although you must be getting close to the upper limit on the MVP anyway at 4.2V? (I can't remember what the maximum is)
The coil will short if it touches the chimney, although the MVP won't fire if it does short so it doesn't really matter in terms of safety. Obviously it would be a different story if you fired it on a mechanical mech with a short, but not a hazard with the MVP.
You can't access the coil on the Kayfun without draining it unfortunately.
Easiest way to do it is to hold it upside down with the drip tip either over, or on, something to catch the juice.
Then, carefully unscrew the base.
As soon as the seal is broken between the chimney and the top cap, the juice will dump out of the drip tip.
Not ideal, I don't know if anybody has a better way?
Btw, don't forget to give your drip tip a good clean afterwards, it's not fun being reminded by chugging some neat juice straight into your mouth!
I can't help with your coil problems, I've never built one. But, if you can't get the navy nest to work, it really does work well if you just build a conventional silica wick, just by wrapping a few turns around the silica, trim the ends then stuff them down the side of the chimney.
Looks crude, but works really well. I'm a huge fan of keeping things simple!
Maybe put up a picture of your navy nest build for people to advise where there might be problems?
BTW, 1.8 ohms is absolutely fine. Anywhere between 1.2 and 2.5, maybe even higher? will work perfectly on the MVP.
It's only on mechanical mods that it's crucial to build the coil to your desired ohms, as that's the only control you ave over the power. With your regulated MVP, the electronics do all the hard work for you
You are restricted to 11 watts with the MVP, it won't go any higher although you can run the Kayfun higher than that. Mine certainly is fine at 18 watts, but the reality is I rarely go over 12 with it. At the moment, it's sitting at 9.5W and giving a lovely vape