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RBA on MVP 2, what do I need?

Mr.Motivapr Thanks for that mate. The metal bit won't move, plus I think it don't need to anyway as the screws are suposed to be facing each other I think.

I've loosened the screw and I'm trying to move the insulator more so it's aligned with the metal bit, but it aint really budging!!! I will persist! Hope I can move it!

Yes, I will stick with single coil. 0.5 ohms does sound harsh! Cheers for the help.
you may well have to unscrew the screw,align the plastic to the base bit and screw the screw back in. Had the same issue with a clone.
Do I need to and how do I unscrew the centre screw. It only seems to have thread of the outside n I can't grip them as I don't have anything small enough. I unscrewed the screw from the larger (positive?) block but I can't move the insulator into place, it's stuck.

Edit: Looking at the Kayfin lite user manual. Do I unscrew what they call Air Duct screw?

Edit: I FIGURED IT OUT! it was the air duct screw, wasn't familiar with the 510 connection term. The insulator is now more aligned and there's no chance of the positive post moving onto the base and creating a short. Think it'll be ok now.
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I'm building the navy nest coil. I had to do 9 wraps for the resistance I want. The coil is quite long, and when I put the cylinder piece over the coil, the ends of the coil hit the cylinder. Will this cause a short? if they touch. If so I will have to start again and try and get the 9 wraps into a smaller area.

Edit: Managed to push the coil inwards so it wasn't touching the sides of the cylinder. Still wouldn't mind knowing if it touched the cylinder would that cause a short or not.
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I've made my first ever coil and it came out at 1.8ohms and it worked (sorta, lol), I was aiming for 1.5ohms but I don't care as I wasn't even expecting it to work at all first time. Thanks all so much to everyone in this thread for their contributions. I know I go on a lot and ask a million questions, but some of us aren't born knowing this stuff so thanks for the help! :D

The Navy nest coil I made seemed to work fine when I checked it by priming the coil and firing. But when I filled the tank and used, there wasn't much vapour and the flavour wasn't that strong. It didn't gurgle or leak though. I think I'll need to make adjustments, but how the heck do you empty this thing?

Or if anyone has any suggestions to get it to work better without checking the coil, please advise. I've tried different wattage settings and gone to 4.2 volts but it doesn't make a vast difference. I don't wanna go too high on volts in case it damages the coil. That voodoowool is thick, even at 2mm, maybe too thick for navy nest coil?

You won't damage the coil with too high a voltage, although you must be getting close to the upper limit on the MVP anyway at 4.2V? (I can't remember what the maximum is)

The coil will short if it touches the chimney, although the MVP won't fire if it does short so it doesn't really matter in terms of safety. Obviously it would be a different story if you fired it on a mechanical mech with a short, but not a hazard with the MVP.

You can't access the coil on the Kayfun without draining it unfortunately.
Easiest way to do it is to hold it upside down with the drip tip either over, or on, something to catch the juice.
Then, carefully unscrew the base.
As soon as the seal is broken between the chimney and the top cap, the juice will dump out of the drip tip.
Not ideal, I don't know if anybody has a better way?
Btw, don't forget to give your drip tip a good clean afterwards, it's not fun being reminded by chugging some neat juice straight into your mouth!

I can't help with your coil problems, I've never built one. But, if you can't get the navy nest to work, it really does work well if you just build a conventional silica wick, just by wrapping a few turns around the silica, trim the ends then stuff them down the side of the chimney.
Looks crude, but works really well. I'm a huge fan of keeping things simple!

Maybe put up a picture of your navy nest build for people to advise where there might be problems?

BTW, 1.8 ohms is absolutely fine. Anywhere between 1.2 and 2.5, maybe even higher? will work perfectly on the MVP.
It's only on mechanical mods that it's crucial to build the coil to your desired ohms, as that's the only control you ave over the power. With your regulated MVP, the electronics do all the hard work for you :)
You are restricted to 11 watts with the MVP, it won't go any higher although you can run the Kayfun higher than that. Mine certainly is fine at 18 watts, but the reality is I rarely go over 12 with it. At the moment, it's sitting at 9.5W and giving a lovely vape :D
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Post some pics up.. Did you lift the coil up away from the airhole on the deck by a mm or two?

Sent from my couch using the internetz....
@Panter Max volts on MVP 2 is 5. Yeah I don't like the idea of mechanical mods at all. I thought the Navy nest would be simple, so that's why I went with it over a micro coil. Shouldda gone evn simpler eh.

@blademansw Yes I did lift the coil up away from the airhole on the deck by a mm or two. When I first put the cylinder on I had doubts whether it was ok, so I lifted it again and I noticed the coil had gone down a bit towards the airhole, so I lifted it again. I also noticed with the voodoowool that bits were coming off it easily, and a little tiny bit was by the liquid channels, so I cleared that and put the cylinder back on, hoping would be ok this time.

If the coil was touching the airhole then wouldn't it create a short anyway, or do you mean it just might be too close to it and obstructiong the aiflow somewhat?

I added a few drops of liquid to the coil and I did notice when I pulsed the coil that it didn't glow very quickly, had to hold it down for a few seconds until the MVP cut out. After a few times it would glow fully after about 6 seconds until it cut out again.. I shouldda realised then there was a problem then eh, stupid me eh. I only went forward because I was getting an ok amount of vapour so I thought it was ok.

Now it looks like I'm gonna have to fuk about emptying the tank somehow. I'll try and take some pics if I do that.
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