broadly speaking micro coils for cotton, normal wraps for silica/voodoo.
Torch wire, cut voodoo 5 wrap wire, screw etc etc.
Yes I am aware that you can microcoil with silica, but as this is in the new users corner I'm keeping this simple.
Found these, 50mm length ones: M3 / 3mm A2 Stainless Steel Hex Socket Button Head Screws/Dome Head Allen Bolts | eBay
You get 4 but I suppose if you lose some they're handy. Or I could start a vape DIY store and sell 'em for £3.50 each, hehe *runs away*.
@kernowmike Good idea.
@Mostly @blademansw Thanks guys. I've watched the two vids you posted earlier Mostly, and I'm thinking of going with the Navy Nest one. My kayfun just arrived, but no voodoowool yet. The kayfun did come with some prewrapped silica, so I could do the simple silica build, but I'd rather tame my excitment and not rush it.
I'm thinking (though I may be wrong) that these sort of builds are easier than the micro coil (when using silica or voodoowool) because the silica and voodoowool come in strands so it's easier to wrap around them than fit them through a microcoil. With wool, it is easier to thread though a microcoil. Am I on the right lines there? Then again, you could just make the microcoils bigger to allow 2-3mm strand of silica through, so maybe not. Anyway not trying to make too much of this, I'm just trying to understand this stuff as much as I can right now before I go straight into building. Knowledge is king eh.
Anyway I'm going to put the kettle on and soak this Kayfun in a mo, make sure it's all nice and clean. I won't put the plastic bit in boiling water though, as I guess that will damage it.
Cheers again.
It is very easy to do a silica build just by wrapping the wire around the silica as you say.
Personally, I prefer micro coils with cotton just because I can get them really neat and I prefer the flavour (there seems to be very little in it though)
I put a silica build in the Kayfun last week just by twiddling some wire around 3ml silica, trimming it off then dumping the ends down the side of the chimney. It looked like a real train wreck compared to a micro coil setup, but it vaped really well!
From my (very little) experience with the Kayfun, it really doesn't seem fussy. As long as you've got some hot wire being fed with juice over the air hole, it just seems to work.
Good luck, hope you enjoy it!
@blademansw While we're talking about angles, there's a little plastic bit under the two screws coil section, but it's a bit off angle with the metal above it. It should be directly under it right?
Also the screws that hold the wire, one is slightly higher up than the other, is that normal?