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RBA vs pre-built - Please explain

I used to build my own, and didn't think there was much difference between a good built coil, and a stock coil. The only difference was cost. Then stock coils started using mesh, and their flavour was better than a round wire hand built coil in my opinion.
I prefer to use mesh stock coils now, but haven't used a hand built coil since mesh became available for them.
You never tried a mesh rebuildables?
You never tried a mesh rebuildables?
There weren't any when i was building my own. Now I've found my sweet spot with Vaporesso mesh coils, and i don't want to go down another rabbit hole chasing a perfect vape. :)
maybe the differences and benefits here are not the same between low power types and the clouders.
maybe the differences and benefits here are not the same between low power types and the clouders.
I think you are probably correct. I'm not a cloud chaser, but i get the most flavour and pleasure around the 55-75w region. I like a warm vape. Clouds are just a side effect.
That's brilliant thanks guys for your help.
I'm chasing intense flavour, so maybe I should give this a try.
I was looking at some yesterday and I found one with a 32ml tank capacity haha. That's insane!!!

But from an initial look, the Wotofo Profile X seems to have good reviews, and it takes single coil, dual coil and mesh coil depending on what I like.
The Arbiter 2 also has good reviews.
I'd like to get one where I can try different things, so one that takes single, dual and mesh coils would be good so that I can work out what is best for me.
Does anyone have any recommendations please? I don't want one where I have to drip or use a squonk thing.

Also, what metal type is best for flavour? I hear they all have their pros and cons. Stainless steel, Clapton etc etc. What are your experiences with different metals for the coils?
That's brilliant thanks guys for your help.
I'm chasing intense flavour, so maybe I should give this a try.
I was looking at some yesterday and I found one with a 32ml tank capacity haha. That's insane!!!

But from an initial look, the Wotofo Profile X seems to have good reviews, and it takes single coil, dual coil and mesh coil depending on what I like.
The Arbiter 2 also has good reviews.
I'd like to get one where I can try different things, so one that takes single, dual and mesh coils would be good so that I can work out what is best for me.
Does anyone have any recommendations please? I don't want one where I have to drip or use a squonk thing.

Also, what metal type is best for flavour? I hear they all have their pros and cons. Stainless steel, Clapton etc etc. What are your experiences with different metals for the coils?

The Profile X wasn't very well received by a few members on here that bought it. I'd maybe avoid that one.

I pretty much only use the Profile Unity mesh RTA these days, so am a bit out of touch with what traditional coil RTAs are good but I'm sure others will be able make some good suggestions.

Also check out the reviews section:
I used to build my own, and didn't think there was much difference between a good built coil, and a stock coil. The only difference was cost. Then stock coils started using mesh, and their flavour was better than a round wire hand built coil in my opinion.
I prefer to use mesh stock coils now, but haven't used a hand built coil since mesh became available for them.

But round wire isn't the only material available to build with - many MTL vapers (and maybe some TC vapers) still use round-wire but I doubt anyone would use it out of choice these days in a DL rebuildable. There is a massive range of complex wires available i.e. Clapton, Fused Clapton, Staggered Fused, Aliens, Staple, Staple Staggered etc in spools. packs, or hand made suitable for modest power RDL or full on high power multiple coil DL vaping and pretty much every DL rebuildable made in the last 5 years or so is designed with the ability to accommodate them. These wires will all give mesh a run for its' money with none of the dry hit paranoia you may get if you push the wattage on a mesh coil.

For those who still prefer mesh DL vaping - there some highly regarded mesh re-buildables available.

Edit - I replied before reading lots and lots of posts that came afterwards lol.

If Vaporesso mesh coils work for you, then great. it's nice when you find something you're happy with.
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I did a lot of googling and searching on here when I decided to go for an rta. Just take your time, read everything and try to decide what style of vaping you are after.

There are tanks that will suit better than others but you really need to know whether you are going for a low nic cloud chucker or a tighter draw mtl device. Of course there are things in between too. Different people will be able to help recommending for different styles.

And it helps to set yourself a budget too! These tanks can cost anywhere from a tenner to £150 and there always seems to be trial and error involved.
That's brilliant thanks guys for your help.
I'm chasing intense flavour, so maybe I should give this a try.
I was looking at some yesterday and I found one with a 32ml tank capacity haha. That's insane!!!

But from an initial look, the Wotofo Profile X seems to have good reviews, and it takes single coil, dual coil and mesh coil depending on what I like.
The Arbiter 2 also has good reviews.
I'd like to get one where I can try different things, so one that takes single, dual and mesh coils would be good so that I can work out what is best for me.
Does anyone have any recommendations please? I don't want one where I have to drip or use a squonk thing.

Also, what metal type is best for flavour? I hear they all have their pros and cons. Stainless steel, Clapton etc etc. What are your experiences with different metals for the coils?

Try the Wotofo Profile X as in theory it covers all bases for DL but I was disappointed and luckily I have others to compare to instead of thinking the whole concept of rebuildables are rubbish. If you want something similar, pick up a steamcrave supreme v3 if you can find any. The advanced kit comes with a mesh and standard deck. Also many other decks available to purchase. Not many mesh atomisers in production at the moment so you have entered at a time when most of our favourites will be discontinued.
But round wire isn't the only material available to build with - many MTL vapers (and maybe some TC vapers) still use round-wire but I doubt anyone would use it out of choice these days in a DL rebuildable. There is a massive range of complex wires available i.e. Clapton, Fused Clapton, Staggered Fused, Aliens, Staple, Staple Staggered etc in spools. packs, or hand made suitable for modest power RDL or full on high power multiple coil DL vaping and pretty much every DL rebuildable made in the last 5 years or so is designed with the ability to accommodate them. These wires will all give mesh a run for its' money with none of the dry hit paranoia you may get if you push the wattage on a mesh coil.

For those who still prefer mesh DL vaping - there some highly regarded mesh re-buildables available.
I included the fancy coils in the term 'round wire', as that is what they are made from. I used them all on many DNA mods in TC and Wattage.
I prefer a stock 0.2 mesh coil in my Vaporesso Itank 1 and 2.
As i said, there wasn't mesh for making your coils in the past. :)
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