For what it's worth I wouldn't go with a clone for your first time. I'd go with the Neeko.
That's my plan buddy, I've not long had my zlide and I know I have 2 solid stock options ready. I'm just curious to see the difference in the vape experience more than worrying about coil cost and such.
If your spending less on Coils you have more to spend on other things, there are a lot of RTA's that are easy to build and some that are a pita to build. The advice is always on POTV all you need do is ask.
Don't push cotton into the juice wells let it find it's own way, as for cotton, when threading it you just need a bit of resistance. cut round about the end of the deck and remember cotton just sits loose in the juice well. Keep your coil 2 or 3 mm above the airflow in the centre.