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Returning to vaping


Jul 28, 2014
Hi all, been out the scene for a good few years and hoping to get the bug again.

I used to be into all the high end gear back in the day, but that doesnt interest me now, as I think the design game has peaked so everything is the same. Dont see many game changers these days.

Anyway, got myself a vapeflask, and a couple of decent attys, my preferred vape is mtl, think of Hellfire 1mm airhole.

Looking to give squonking a go and wanted to look see what was on offer in Classifieds but dont have permissions yet.

Hope to get involved in these forums
Hi all, been out the scene for a good few years and hoping to get the bug again.

I used to be into all the high end gear back in the day, but that doesnt interest me now, as I think the design game has peaked so everything is the same. Dont see many game changers these days.

Anyway, got myself a vapeflask, and a couple of decent attys, my preferred vape is mtl, think of Hellfire 1mm airhole.

Looking to give squonking a go and wanted to look see what was on offer in Classifieds but dont have permissions yet.

Hope to get involved in these forums
Classifieds is closed for the Coronas ftm, you'll have plenty of time to rack up the post count.
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