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Revision of the Tobacco Excise Directive : Have your Say


Apr 4, 2015
The EU Commission is currently collecting consultations about a proposed revision of the Tobacco Excise Directive, changes which would include the taxation of harm reduction products such as electronic cigarettes.


Voice your opinion
The public is urged to have their say by completing the consultation sheet which should not take longer than fifteen minutes. The deadline to fill out this survey is on the 16th of February and till then it is of utmost importance that this opportunity for interested parties to voice their opinion, is spread as much as possible.

Public consultation https://ec.europa.eu/taxation_custo...excise-duties-applied-manufactured-tobacco_en

Please click here to start consultation https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/Tobacco_excise

UPDATE: bit late now but just found a walkthrough that might help fill it out https://vapersinpower.wordpress.com/2017/01/20/its-not-taxing/
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Filled in.
Tax tax tax theres obviously no getting away from the fact that any pleasures us humans have will inevitably be taxed. Maybe another way that tax on smoking / vaping could be calculated would be similar to the road tax emissions system. I.e. If you smoke or vape then an dangerous emissions tax. So full on red marlboro would be taxed the most with ultra light silk cut slightly less, heat not burn tobacco a little leas and so on, with vaping zero tax [emoji3].
But if anyone suggested that it would probably cause those fumbling, pen pushing, cigar smoking, champagne drinking, caviar eating, chauffeur driven bureaucrats do have a stroke!
Wow that was hard work!
Don't expect this to just be about ecigs - I had to select 'don't know' to so many questions about 'fine cut tobacco', 'water pipes', and 'borderline cigarettes' - This is a perfect example of how to collect entirely biased results
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