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Ribbon wire coils. Struggling


Dec 5, 2013
I've no idea why but im really struggling with ribbon wire.

Ordered from the vape mesh company and thought I'd chuck a small reel of ribbon in to play with.

Randomly selected .3x.1 kanthal A1.

I normally prefer Microcoil in my russian. Can anyone suggest a coil style with ribbon that will work well in my russian? I'll look at some tutorials ideally of someone building a russian or kayfun BUT what I'm after suggestions for is the best types of coil that will work with ribbon and go from there!

Anyone got any preferred type of coil for ribbon? Why am I finding this hard? :)

Tried and failed to make a couple of regular Microcoil but the wire kept twisting/not lying flat.

I use 0.3 from the vape mesh company, are you torching it slightly first to take out the spring in it :)
Carlos yes I'm torching it. It doesn't seem to want to lie flat so the 'ribbon' becomes twisted when I make the coil.

And I'll check that one out. Cheer Phantom Diablo

It's the way you are holding the wire. If you keep a tight hold of the free end of the wire as you wrap, you will end up with one twist in the wire for every coil on the wire.
I have given up trying ribbon in the Russian as no way to use mesh for its wick, suggest you buy an atty that can use ss mesh with the ribbon as then it becomes so much easier to recoil.

Sent by lazer from just north of the world's largest nuclear dustbin
It's the way you are holding the wire. If you keep a tight hold of the free end of the wire as you wrap, you will end up with one twist in the wire for every coil on the wire.

This. Pull a wrap, release, pull a wrap etc. Do torch it first.

I use .5x.1 in a lot of my builds including my kayfun builds.

If you really dont get on with it. Cut a length of ribbon and kanthal and twist them in a drill. Your making a tiger coil if you want to find a video, I really like tiger coils, give that a go.
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