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RSST - Best un-modded Setup


Dec 9, 2013
Hi all

So after my long battle with the AHHHHHHH GRRRRR T2 (AGA T2) I submitted and got an RSST

Such a better Genny IMHO much easier to connect to the centre post, insulated wick hole and looks quite good too

I have a Vamo V5 so anything lower than 1.2ohms it doesn't like, big fan of micro coils, and prefer cotton in general as thats what I build in my Protanks and Hypertanks and performs outstanding! to the point where if I vape them in the car I have to have the windows open or I can't see lol

I have the following materials at hand, and want to make a decent setup that wont drain my Batt:

.20 Kanthal
.32 Kanthal
.9 Kanthal Ribbon
500 SS Mesh
3mm Ekowool
Cotton Balls

So far I have tried the following:

SS mesh with .20 Kanthal at 6 wraps @ 2.3ohms
Worked ok, nothing to write home about, tasted very metallic though so tried cotton wick which tasted better but didn't wick as well and ohms going up and down

SS Mesh (Cotton top) with .20 Kanthal at 6 wraps @ 2.4ohms
Wicking better, occasional popping but regulated the ohms, still had the metallic taste. Vapor was hard work to get

Cotton Wick with .20 Kanthal at 5 Wraps @ 1.8ohms
Taste better, Vapor better wicking not so good, and being cotton burnt a bit

SS mesh (cotton top) with .32 Kanthal at 10 wraps @ 1.3ohms
Slow heatup, vapor ok once it got going but nothing amazing

I gave up on the Ribbon, even doubled up it was reading 0.9 ohms, unless I was doing something wrong ( I assume .9 ribbon = .9 Ohms per inch)

So any suggestions?? some that don't include drilling out holes, using a Mech mod?

Any help would be appreciated, it seems a great unit otherwise
And 1.5 micro of. 32 wire on cotton should be a goer, as it should what I used on the rsst :)
I use .32 wrapped 7 times around a 2.5mm drill bit. Comes out at about 1.4ohms.
400 ssmesh rolled small enough to thread through the coil so there is space for the wick to breath. I like to roll a tube from mesh that is about 20mmx30mm.

Sent from somewhere in Kent.
www.vapechat.co.uk - Vaping chat room
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cut a lrnth of 400 mesh 30 x 20mm. then get a piece of cotton wool about 3cm long and roll loosely. now roll your mesh around the cotton so its not to tight but fits n the hole. trim cotton at the top but leave about 5mm of cotton sticking out the bottom. 5-6 wraps on kanthal check for hot spots and job done ( oh and give the cotton a bit of a dribble of juice before you wrap the mesh around it. cotton will swell so dont make it to tight.
the cotton will soak up liquid all the way up the middle of the mesh and with the tail in the juice keep on soaking and darwing the juice up.. works great and hits like a trooper
Oooh cotton in mesh. Not tried that will have to give it a go

Thanks guys keep em coming

Silly question, but might be what Ive been doing wrong all this time with rba's. . . .. should the wick be slightly loose, snug but moveable or tight against the coil

I think I might be choking my wick (not a euthamism lol)
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Yes, there should be loose in the wick hole and just snug enough to push it through the coil. This way, you can remove it and dry burn the coil so you're not re-coiling every few days.

You also need to drill the airhole so enough air gets to the coil. The standard hole is too small and it'll taste burnt if the coil gets too hot.
i would say coil should be snug but not "squeezing" the mesh. but not loose so it "drops"
the cotton down the middle works really well as long as you wet the cotton with juice first otherwise on first fire you risk burning the cotton
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