I finally got it all apart without any damage (well maybe a spot of plier crimping on an o-ring).
Thought I'd make sure I could put it back together and now I can't get the top cap back on the Silverback. It just won't go flush no matter what I do. After a few attempts, I've probably cross screwed it and forced it a bit. Plus the Russian's stuck again and I've sheared the tips off the mini screwdrivers I was using to hold the airhole.
I'm out of my depth here.
This isn't even the mad mod stuff I'm struggling with, it's just my lack of basic dexterity and patience. Can't even screw the thing together, never mind wick it or build a coil.
I'll have to wait until Wednesday until I can meet with a responsible adult who'll be able to help out. Until then, it's not the end of the world - the Vaporshark is hardly terrible...
The kit is awesome, it's me that's the weak link. Maybe I should have stuck with the eGo (joke)...