Authentic pro's
Usually crafted with a bit of new thinking and a bit of care
Morally the right thing to buy, the person making them has put their own livelihood on the line to craft something
You get a 6ft high step to stand on and look down at clone users (@elsabubs 'tis a joke bud, pop another tampax in and have a lady calming tablet

Most of the time you get a decent end product finish
cons - big ones for a lot of people.. Cost and availability - you either can get hold of them if you sell a kidney or you can't get hold of them anyway
Clone pro's
Availability, the nature of them being mass produced means you can have something that pleases aesthetically
Some cloners are doing pretty good copies, if not 1:1 then very close
Even materials can be up there with the original, sometimes not though
Cons - erm, it's ripping off someone elses hard work, QC and finishing can sometimes be shoddy and either need modification or some indepth cleaning, you 'can' appear to be the type of person passing themselves off as owning the real thing.
Personally I don't buy into the argument of feeling partially like you are using something high end. To me these things are not high end in authentic or clone format and they are functional items. I use clone nemesis primarily - not because I like the logo, the serial number or the brand in general, the prestige does not matter one bit to me whatsoever if I am honest.
What I DO like is how it looks and feels for my daily use, I thrown my mods around, they get put in pockets with keys and coins and typically would just be a stupid thing to have £140 devices as 'beaters'. That is not to say I won't get an original because I most definitely will - when one piques my interest enough and I want one 'for best'
The Kraken from Fasttech works, the materials are not £100 different to the original, the finishing is not as good as the original - again not £100 different though.