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Scar rda

I've had other drippers before (Igo-l and era) but didn't really like either but I'm also getting sick of filling up my kfl with a new mix just to find it tastes shit so it's time to try a dripper again.
Right mines come so I knocked up a quick dual coil which came out at 1.3 (I'm pretty happy with that as a first try in a hurry!). It was easy to set up, the holes are small but not so small that you can't work with it. The draw is tighter than I'm used to but as long as the airholes are lined up spot in its really not too bad, perfectly usable. Flavour is pretty good too. Once I was happy with it on my provari I swapped it on to my roller and....doesn't bloody fire! Bugger! It doesn't seem to be adjustable either :( for the money it is superb though and looks good too. I'll have a fiddle later on to see if I can get it working on the roller.
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