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scotland R number above one

fuck it she should gie it a bye wi aw this shite and just tell it how it is. the tories have fucked us again. whit did ye expect? shower of shameful bastards. it’s been good while it lasted, ye’re aw gonnae die noo but vote aye in the next referendum anyway cos it’s the thought that counts. ah love ye’s aw, wee nicola.
fuck it she should gie it a bye wi aw this shite and just tell it how it is. the tories have fucked us again. whit did ye expect? shower of shameful bastards. it’s been good while it lasted, ye’re aw gonnae die noo but vote aye in the next referendum anyway cos it’s the thought that counts. ah love ye’s aw, wee nicola.
This is not the time for political point scoring, now sit there and listen to me point score for the next hour.
Only a few folks died n the NHS was not swamped....it's all shit n fked us up real bad man..stop believing the hype....run free in paddy's market naked with your buddies:)

wait and see what happens in the winter.
fuck it she should gie it a bye wi aw this shite and just tell it how it is. the tories have fucked us again. whit did ye expect? shower of shameful bastards. it’s been good while it lasted, ye’re aw gonnae die noo but vote aye in the next referendum anyway cos it’s the thought that counts. ah love ye’s aw, wee nicola.

Stay indoors... pull yer wire aw day, make it pay for a wee while.....then....fkin carnage....and we had to to did...nae choice, we are controlled.
Anyone that thinks they are a free man or woman......well...yer no
Stay indoors... pull yer wire aw day, make it pay for a wee while.....then....fkin carnage....and we had to to did...nae choice, we are controlled.
Anyone that thinks they are a free man or woman......well...yer no

UK wide now apparently.

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