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COVID-19: UK reports 11,625 new cases and another 27 coronavirus-related deaths

not good, especially when a lot of the continent is struggling with getting people vaccinated.
We all know the fix - ease lock down and fill up football stadiums. :rolleyes:

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Even at 90% efficacy, that means 10% of those vaccinated it didn't work for?

They're supposed to be incredibly good at preventing death tho. 100% in the trials. May not guarantee to stop you catching it but it'll reduce you passing it on at least by half and even if hospitalised, death should be a rare occurrence. That's my understanding anyway. Happy to be corrected. Nothing rare about double digits every day. :(
They're supposed to be incredibly good at preventing death tho. 100% in the trials. May not guarantee to stop you catching it but it'll reduce you passing it on at least by half and even if hospitalised, death should be a rare occurrence. That's my understanding anyway. Happy to be corrected. Nothing rare about double digits every day. :(

Among the top causes of death in the UK, heart disease and circulatory disease kill 170,000 deaths a year, or about 460 people a day.
According to Cancer Research UK, there are over 164,000 cancer deaths in the UK each year, which is about 450 each day.

They're supposed to be incredibly good at preventing death tho. 100% in the trials. May not guarantee to stop you catching it but it'll reduce you passing it on at least by half and even if hospitalised, death should be a rare occurrence. That's my understanding anyway. Happy to be corrected. Nothing rare about double digits every day. :(
But we've only fully vaccinated about half of the population in the UK so far. :(
keep in mind also that even in the high priority groups there have been refusers, in some areas and cultural groups significant numbers, i believe. even if these are small percentages of the total, it could still account for all or most of the deaths.
the football must have spread our delta outbreak to the mainland, you think?

yes it will I expect double the daily cases in the next 2 weeks the further England gets plus Wimbledon etc etc etc then open up on the 19th of July

if i was a conspiracy nutball i would say this could be done because Boris will say another 4 weeks semi lockdown but I'm not and we have to do something soon as we just can't keep being locked down
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