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Serious question... How can people be so stoopid?

Well duh, he forgot to take his hydroxychloriquine.

All he has to do is drink a whole bunch of bleach to disinfect himself tho, so he'll be fine
The name Conspiracy Theorist has been tainted to make them all sound like nutters.
Thats the real conspiracy.
Things like Lizard people and Flat earthers were created to make conspiracy theorists
look like tin foil wearing loons.
Lots of conspiracy theories have been proven to be true
Always check the facts before you completely dismiss them.

The name Conspiracy Theorist has been tainted to make them all sound like nutters.
Thats the real conspiracy.
Things like Lizard people and Flat earthers were created to make conspiracy theorists
look like tin foil wearing loons.
Lots of conspiracy theories have been proven to be true
Always check the facts before you completely dismiss them.

David Icke created his shape shifting, inter-dimensional lizard rulers "to make conspiracy theorists look like tin foil wearing loons."

... so you think he made that bit up to intentionally discredit his other theories and make "them all sound like nutters"?

That makes no sense at all, in an early chapter of 'The Biggest Secret' he says that his agent and publisher advised him not to 'mention the lizards' at all because they thought it would be detrimental to the success of the book and thought that it could ruin his career. I think the chapter is even called "Don't mention the lizards!"

I have absolutely no doubt he believes what he says when he talks about them.... and it's not that crazy, plenty of people believe we live in a multi-dimensional universe and plenty of people believe there are other 'beings' out there. If you do then it's not a massive leap I guess.

I'm far from convinced and I don't see any real evidence of it being true ... but on the other hand, if we do ever have contact with beings from somewhere else, I'm pretty convinced they won't be human and after seeing 'simple' lifeforms like the octopus and squid change their appearance and colour, I don't think them having the ability to 'shape-shift' is beyond the realms of possibility either.

The flat earth theories are a completely different thing because that is fairly easily disproved, unless you dismiss science almost completely.
David Icke created his shape shifting, inter-dimensional lizard rulers "to make conspiracy theorists look like tin foil wearing loons."

... so you think he made that bit up to intentionally discredit his other theories and make "them all sound like nutters"?

That makes no sense at all, in an early chapter of 'The Biggest Secret' he says that his agent and publisher advised him not to 'mention the lizards' at all because they thought it would be detrimental to the success of the book and thought that it could ruin his career. I think the chapter is even called "Don't mention the lizards!"

I have absolutely no doubt he believes what he says when he talks about them.... and it's not that crazy, plenty of people believe we live in a multi-dimensional universe and plenty of people believe there are other 'beings' out there. If you do then it's not a massive leap I guess.

I'm far from convinced and I don't see any real evidence of it being true ... but on the other hand, if we do ever have contact with beings from somewhere else, I'm pretty convinced they won't be human and after seeing 'simple' lifeforms like the octopus and squid change their appearance and colour, I don't think them having the ability to 'shape-shift' is beyond the realms of possibility either.

The flat earth theories are a completely different thing because that is fairly easily disproved, unless you dismiss science almost completely.

I'm not sure why David has gone with this there is no virus theory, doesn't make sense to me with all the excess deaths around the world. You can't just say they are all just normal yearly deaths inflated for the conspiracy.
With regards to reptilians I don't think many people are going to understand he is talking about spirits that come under the same category as the jinn from Islam or archons from the gnostic tradition, they are going to think he means physical space aliens so its best for him just to ignore these people. Some people such as shaman and mediums etc are able to connect and communicate with these beings (obviously a lot are fakes or deluded) so part of his theory is bloodline is important to these beings as it makes it easier for the entity to connect with these bloodlines and take up permanent residence in the physical body.
With all that being said I dont think its healthy for a growing number of people to start believing everybody in power is some kind of inter dimensional lizard, that's how wars start lol and a lot of these people are not thinking clearly about who is behind it and who will replace them in positions of power. Hint.... it's not going to be them lol
Wern't the lizard people the basis for that 80's sci fi series 'V'

As well as an 80's sci fi movie starring rowdy roddy piper, who looked like ppl except when looking thru a special pair of sunglasses
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@Miss Pepper
this guy is putting tagged links on the points. Watch out... maybe SPAM, or maybe malware
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It's impossible to take Icke seriously. And yet he did mention the prince andrew / epstein thing many years ago. About the same time as the lizards I think.
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