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Silly question: can I clean a coil when I clean my tank to change juice flavour?

Chuck your coil through sonic cleaner possibly a few times if strong flavour then shove tissue up it to wick out most of water or leave in sun to bake x it’s not gunna give you 100% no taste of old juice but saves pennies on new coils when trying to find juices that you like xxx
Chuck your coil through sonic cleaner possibly a few times if strong flavour then shove tissue up it to wick out most of water or leave in sun to bake x it’s not gunna give you 100% no taste of old juice but saves pennies on new coils when trying to find juices that you like xxx
I gave the coil a rinse under the tap today and that got the worst of the taste out. Thank you for the advice.
P.s there is no silly question, even the oldies had to start somewhere xxx
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