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So, about all this mech squonking malarkey?

Lord Grim

Aug 31, 2012
Afternoon all, and welcome to 20 questions with your host: Lord Grim.
Some of you will know that after a brief dalliance with mechs when I was first dipping my toe into squonking, I have had a relatively long standing love affair with regulated squonkers.
But it occurred to me recently that I never really gave mech squonking a proper tug of the rope, lazily sticking to low ohm kanthal builds and whatnot. To rectify the situation, I've recently killed two budgies with one bit of basalt and bought a clone Boxer from FT (honest guv, it's only to see if I like it, it's not even mine, it's for a mate, bigger boys made me do it). Now my questions are:
Do I want SS or Nichrome? Even in my old tube mech days, I was mostly MTL with a KFL and plus-ohm builds on Kanthal, so it's a new topic for me. I like a cloudy-ish vape, not too warm but still relatively battery-kind, the kind that is easy to find on a regulated mod.
Depending on the above, do I want a spaced or tight coil?

Sorry to be the latecomer, the noob and the bore all in one hit, I guess what I'm after is "Mech-Squonking 101", and I've had a quick look on here and can't find anything that quite says it all.

Thanks for any response :D
@Lord Grim , I can only tell you what i have learnt form my little flirtation with mech squonkers and i am by no means the leading authority in these parts, I've been getting on great with Ni80, 26 or 24 gauge flattened, spaced coil think it was 5 wraps ID 3mm came out at 0.4 ohms (single coil) which help with battery life, and because of the faster ramp up time i do find you can use battery for longer than with a similar kanthal build. I haven't tried SS yet though, some report a cleaner flavour. As to the warmth of the vape, i'm finding this is best regulated by airflow on the RDA, i like a warm vape but am finding the Hadaly a little to warm sometimes as the airflow is quite restricted compared to other RDA's out there, i'm thinking of trying the Pulse soon as it looks similar in design but it does look a little airier. I'm sure others will be along soon to give more detail.
@Lord Grim , I can only tell you what i have learnt form my little flirtation with mech squonkers and i am by no means the leading authority in these parts, I've been getting on great with Ni80, 26 or 24 gauge flattened, spaced coil think it was 5 wraps ID 3mm came out at 0.4 ohms (single coil) which help with battery life, and because of the faster ramp up time i do find you can use battery for longer than with a similar kanthal build. I haven't tried SS yet though, some report a cleaner flavour. As to the warmth of the vape, i'm finding this is best regulated by airflow on the RDA, i like a warm vape but am finding the Hadaly a little to warm sometimes as the airflow is quite restricted compared to other RDA's out there, i'm thinking of trying the Pulse soon as it looks similar in design but it does look a little airier. I'm sure others will be along soon to give more detail.
I've just been re-reading your thread from last week, (which I contributed to) and which answers almost all of my questions. The weird thing is, up until I just read it, I had no memory of it.
Dunno whether to be concerned or to go "Yeah Bruh, AWESOME weekend!"
I'm no expert either and finding my way but the Pulse is definitely more airy than the Hadaly and pretty much leak proof as well. I have two, one on my pico squeeze and one on my coppervape.
I'm no expert either and finding my way but the Pulse is definitely more airy than the Hadaly and pretty much leak proof as well. I have two, one on my pico squeeze and one on my coppervape.
I'm running Nardas at the mo, but I've just (today) got a Soul S. But if I need more air, I do have a couple of Hasturs and a Velocity kicking around, so no worries there.
Based on browsing and on @Bazz_74 's Lost Post, I reckon I'm going to order some 24 awg Nichrome 80 and the same in Stainless. The only prob is that it'll have to wait til I get home because my work PC won't let me access the checkout at Stealthvape for some reason.
I've got a bit of 27g Stainless indoors, so if I get impatient I'll give that a go I suppose.
I've just been re-reading your thread from last week, (which I contributed to) and which answers almost all of my questions. The weird thing is, up until I just read it, I had no memory of it.
Dunno whether to be concerned or to go "Yeah Bruh, AWESOME weekend!"

Go for the latter, otherwise it's dementia :)2

@Simmo961 I kind of wanted to hear that, on the other hand i'm about to end up £25 poorer!
How is that clone now that you have it in hand? I am in the same boat you are. I want to give these little mech boxes a try, but I cannot dump £150 on one just too see if I like it. I was actually hovering over the buy button on that exact clone last night.
I'm running Nardas at the mo, but I've just (today) got a Soul S. But if I need more air, I do have a couple of Hasturs and a Velocity kicking around, so no worries there.
Based on browsing and on @Bazz_74 's Lost Post, I reckon I'm going to order some 24 awg Nichrome 80 and the same in Stainless. The only prob is that it'll have to wait til I get home because my work PC won't let me access the checkout at Stealthvape for some reason.
I've got a bit of 27g Stainless indoors, so if I get impatient I'll give that a go I suppose.

I use 22g flattened SS and the same in Nichrome 80. Works a treat.
How is that clone now that you have it in hand? I am in the same boat you are. I want to give these little mech boxes a try, but I cannot dump £150 on one just too see if I like it. I was actually hovering over the buy button on that exact clone last night.
I haven't had the chance to fire it yet, and bear in mind that this is my first experience of a 3D printed job, but in the hand it feels good and well made. All the seams are tight and fit where they should and it takes a slight tug to open. The 510 doesn't quite sit flush with the top of the mod, but is fitted nice and tightly with a screw, and has a sprung positive post.
Really, based on first impressions, the only thing that might put someone off is the white fire button. Although the button does lock to stop pocket firing, so it's not all bad :)
Boxer1.jpg Boxer2.jpg Boxer3.jpg
Sorry about pic quality, they were taken at my desk on my work phone.
@Blaize Have a look at my last post in the squonk check thread, i took a cheap Frankenskull clone added new copper contacts (£2.25) and a modmaker 510 (£10) and it's now a fantastic little mod, the clones will always be a compromise as they are using cheaper (and in some cases dangerous) parts to knock them out so cheap, but the enclosures are sound for the money. I must add that i am only talking about the cheaper Frankie clones, some of the Chinese companies are now producing their own 3D printed mods (Yiloong) and i'm sure reviews for these will be forthcoming if you check youtube.
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