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The article also mentions he's had 2 other devices which "blew up a USB drive" - I can only assume he meant USB port? He's obviously not to be trusted with batteries this guy.

So he was charging in the car overnight, a bit dumb.. What's the betting he wasn't using the official cable he got with the device. Yep he was probably using some crappy car lighter 12v to USB connector and because it fit he used that..

Is this news? If I'd done something similar I wouldn't want anyone to know I was a dumbass!

Daily mail love it :D
apparently he got paid £5000 they say money talks he goes on to say that hes not gunna bother with vaping anymore but lo and behold hes still vaping lol
Astonishing damage: The £29.99 Vaporiz Tank is one of the more expensive e-cigarettes on the market


someone needs to tell EVL
I can't work out whether this guy is unlucky or just plain stupid. Now if he had said it happened twice I would have said unlucky... But three times, I think he needs a restraining order against high capacity batteries for his own safety,yes that includes mobile phones, laptops, torches, power banks, etc...

Let's look at this closely...

1. He left it unattended.
2. He left it unattended in his car.
3. He left it unattended in his car on an obviously non standard charger...fool!!
4. Should have gone to specsavers when you chose your expensive device.
5. I quote never do this..."He started 'SMOKING' e-cigarettes four months ago in an attempt to kick his 40-a-day habit". Smoking these is bound to make them go bang daily mail.

It never ceases to amaze me!

I wouldn't be an ape if I didn't take the piss now and again!![emoji41]
Yes, it's an old story, But. What sort of FUCKIN CUNT leaves ANY power supply in a car live overnight ? It's a car, not a fuckin charging port !
No mater what time of year, cars get cold and damp overnight. If yer stupid enough the leave anything live overnight, you deserve to wake up to a burnt out shell the next day, not just a ruined seat. And, not get any insurance payout, because,,,, your a cunt ! :D

Excuse me Mr Insurance company, my car got nicked last night, I want some money !

Mmm, How did it get stolen ?

Well, I was in a rush, but I only left it running, no harm in that. Can I have my money please ?
He deserved everything he got. What kind of prick leaves a battery charging overnight in a car. A welsh one apparently.
And why do the Daily Mail wankers have to say it was an ecig that exploded when it was only a battery.

And what kind of stupid twats buys and reads the daily mail!!!!!!!!
It's times like this I feel ashamed to be Welsh.
And I agree with the rest...self inflicted arsehole
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