Vaping is dangerous in terms of covid, not specially for you as a individual, but may represent a serious problem if an infected person vapes in public (specially in closed shared spaces).
Its time to be a discrete vaper, more than ever.
Confusious says a mask helps stop the transmission but not clear if its an effective barrier against contracting it.You cant vape with a mask on so more likely to catch it.
Always that 0.1% chance of catching itBleach kills coronavirus so I'm off to vape some domestos then I'll be fine right?
Yes, now imagine that with a huge cloud floating around. Virus can be carried and mantained in suspension by those micro dropplets/fluggers.The video is about breathing and talking, no?
Yes, now imagine that with a huge cloud floating around. Virus can be carried and mantained in suspension by those micro dropplets/fluggers.
IF you think about home people is asymptomatic (and already infected), it may represent a big risk in terms of contagion.
Did not one of the PH England guys say a week or so ago that the vapour produced and being exhaled from a mod was no more harmal to the surroundings than that of breath.
I'm guessing it would do. If you've got the virus and u breath out you will pass it on. If you've got the virus and ur breathing out vapour then it will contain the virus too.I think so, but the issue here is whether exhaled vapour could carry a virus. Maybe it could, but I don’t know.