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ss rope wick

Just set my RSST up with some of this SS Rope wick. 2mm 7x19

I was being ultra cautious about getting the ss rope clean though.

Soaked it first in a bath of isopropyl alcohol 99% ( actually filled up a 10ml bottle and dropped about 10 wicks in it ) to get rid of any grease from the manufacturing process. 10mins
Then into a pan of boiling water for 10mins.
Then flamed until glowing red/white.

Stick one into the RSST , wrapped a bit of oxidised 400 SS mesh around the top ( 2 turns) , did a 4/3 wrap of 0.32mm ( 28 gauge kanthal A1 ), came out at 0.9ohm.

Fired it up, no hotspots and wayhay ... awesome vapour !

It will dry out after about 10-15 sesc if held bang vertically. But a quick tip and the juice shoots back up the wick and off it goes again.
Or you can just hold it at 5 o'clock permanently and it never dries out.

Think I'm gonna do less wraps next. Try and get down to about 0.6ohms.

Cool beans.
So, just when to the local hardware store, one of those places run by a couple in their late hundreds, items from the seventies laying in fading buckets, and they didn't have any wire cutters in, but I did buy this, don't need it, but you know:

View attachment 7491

Just saw this, absolutely love this stuff!!
A quick vid I just did showing the rope in action.
Fantastic vape but daayam is it noisy !

SS Rope 2mm 7x19
4/3 wrap Kanthal A1 Ribbon 0.7mm x 0.08mm

Panasonic Hybrid CGR18650CH 10amp Max Output
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Quick question - Best CHEAP gennie to do this with? May have to give this a shot..
used a dremmel with diamond disc to cut mine,like a knife through butter and very neat.
@Merino-Teflon ok what size was the small SS Rope you sent mate, been sat here all day should i should i not as it took me a while to wick the mini HF, well what the hell. stuck the SS piece of rope in the Pan boiled its fkin head off for 15 mins, then did 2 wraps of 500 mesh round the top. Had a bit of trouble as the coils kept blowing on .20 Kanthal so I used .25 Kanthal only 3 wraps which gives me sub 1 Ohm. well what can I say its friggin Awesome, none of this genny tilt shit either

Wraps Ain't pretty

clouds of vape lol

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@Merino-Teflon ok what size was the small SS Rope you sent mate, been sat here all day should i should i not as it took me a while to wick the mini HF, well what the hell. stuck the SS piece of rope in the Pan boiled its fkin head off for 15 mins, then did 2 wraps of 500 mesh round the top. Had a bit of trouble as the coils kept blowing on .20 Kanthal so I used .25 Kanthal only 3 wraps which gives me sub 1 Ohm. well what can I say its friggin Awesome, none of this genny tilt shit either

Wraps Ain't pretty

clouds of vape lol

Cool, I sent you two sizes, 1.5 and 2mm, so it would be the 1.5, with each I sent size, I sent one 7x7 and one 7x19 cable, but they weren't labelled when I received them, so I don't know which is which to be honest.
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